Loki-Sarcasm and Shakespeare

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, there's gunshots and shouts from Loki's side of the building. Pointing in the direction it is coming from, we began to run towards it.

Tapping my earpiece I call to the God, "Loki, what's going on?!"

"I got it covered!" He shouts back.

I sigh angrily and run around the corner to see the man we came to capture tied up with Loki's magic and one dead agent on the floor. Blood puddles around us as the agents check to see if the man on the floor could have any chance of survival.

"You idiot!" I scream, coming forward and shoving him hard in the chest. 

"What? I caught the bad guy didn't I? Isn't that what you guys do? Risk your lives in the field to catch disgusting men like these. That agent died a hero and we've got what we came here for."

I gasp in disbelief, "if you had just called me like I said you should then that man could have lived. You just killed a man because of your own selfish pride. Take him to the car, this isn't over."

We all head back to the car, chucking the man in the back and wrapping up the agent in blankets so he could have a proper burial. The whole drive was silent and the second we arrived, Tony was there to rip my head off for Loki's mistake. 

"How could you? Let a man die on your first real mission without us. How can I ever trust you again? That man's life is on you Y/N, it's on you."

I spin around to face him, my face red and my breath short, "No Tony, his life is on you. YOU let that monster back onto our planet. YOU gave the 'least mature' person on the team the responsibility of controlling a god. YOU let your ego get in the way of coming on this mission with us. YOU killed that man, the same as YOU pushed me away. So for once in your life stop putting the blame on other people and accept that you make so many mistakes that you can't keep up."

I storm to the stairs with Tony calling out apologetically behind me. Getting to the kitchen, I grab a few beers from the fridge and head to my quiet place; the roof. Sitting with my legs dangling over the edge, I get lost in the stars drinking way too many beers. Reaching to grab another one, I find my stash is gone and all I have is empty bottles. I groan, smashing the empty bottle I hold on the ground and begin to cry. Pulling my knees up to my chest, I sob. 

"Mind if I join you?" Loki's smooth voice questions. 

"P**s off," I mumble. 

"I thought you'd say that, so I brought beers. Really as an excuse to sit with you but also because I knew you'd say no but you wouldn't say no to an alcoholic beverage."

Looking up at him as he slowly sits down beside me, I see a look on his face that I had never seen before, concern. He passes me a beer and I begin sipping it in silence. After a while, Loki speaks up.

"I'm sorry," he whispers so quiet I think I imagined it.

"For which part?" I ask, "causing me to want to jump off this roof since you've been here? making me argue with Tony? Disobeying me in the mission? Being the reason a family lost a man they loved today? Or killing millions of people along with my best friend last year? You have a long list of things to be sorry for, so which one am I being blessed with today?"

He sighs and for the first time since I had really met him, his facade falters and I see remorse in his eyes. 

"All of it."

I smile slightly, "Can one sorry really cover all of that?"

He glances at me and the corner of his mouth turns up slightly, "No, but if you'll forgive me, I'll spend the rest of my life apologising to you for what I've done. All of it. I don't know much about you. I know you're a sarcastic, powerful mutant, who everyone here loves and cares for and that you've clearly had a rough life. I don't want to make it any harder for you. I want to know you. I want you to know me. I want you to know that I'm not this egotistical, soulless god everyone thinks I am. I care, and I am truly sorry."

I wipe away the stray tear that had fallen down his cheek and am surprised by how warm his soft skin feels. 

"As far as apology speeches go, not bad."

He chuckles and shakes his head, "You are terrific at ruining a moment."

"One of my hidden talents," I laugh. 

I turn to face him and put my beer down, deciding there are better things to do than drown my sorrows.

"So you want to get to know me? What do you want to know, Mischief?"

He grins at my name for him, "Everything."

I giggle, "Cheesy line Loki."

"What can I say?" he raises his arms in surrender, "I am naturally charming."

I hit him on his shoulder and he laughs, "Alright, I'll tell you something about me and you tell me something about you."

He nods, "Ladies first."

"That should mean you but hey, I'm not going to argue," I pause to think for a moment, "Umm, okay, so I actually met Tony when I was 8 when my dad became a SHIELD agent and I had a massive crush on him for a long time."

Loki burst out laughing, "You're starting with that, wow."

I fain sadness and pout, "Hey, I was 8, don't laugh. I got over it once I spent a few days with the guy. He's infuriating."

Once he had stopped laughing, he started on his, "When I was younger, I used to trick Thor by turning into animals so he'd pet me and then frighten him by turning back into myself."

"That's horrible!" I cry with laughter. 

"Well in my defence, it was the only thing my mother had taught me to do with my magic yet and she told me to practise," he smiled.

"Okay, okay, so I have a secret love for Shakespeare that no-one knows about and I'm totally gonna regret telling you that in the morning. If I remember any of this."  

Loki thinks for a minute and his forehead creases and his eyebrows furrow in the most adorable way. 

"Wait? The soppy and dramatic English writer?" he asks and I nod. 

He then begins to laugh again, "HEY DON'T LAUGH AT ME!" I laugh too, despite myself. 

"It's just that you, the most hard-faced, sarcastic, angsty person on the entire team, secretly loves plays about romantic deaths and sonnets about summers days as I recall."

"C'mon it's not that bad."

"No it's not. It's just as cliche as it comes," he smiles at me and for a moment I forget everything. 

Everything but him, and his annoyingly perfect smile, charm, hair, face, soul. 

"What is it?" he asks frowning slightly. 

"Nothing," I mumble, "I just feel bad now for not believing you were a good person who wanted redemption."

He leans forward and lifts my head up with his hand. 

"You had no reason to believe me."

"And I do now?" I smirk. 

He leans even closer to me and pulls me towards him, lightly grazing his lips against mine, in a moment of pure bliss. 

"You do now."

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