Loki Preferences

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Your couple song - How long will I love you - Ellie Goulding

Where you met - People were treating him so badly after what happened in New York and so when you saw him sat on a park bench alone, you bought him an ice cream and made him smile. After that you became a regular friendly face for him, you would meet up at the park every week because you were one of the few people who forgave him for his wrongs and accepted him for who he was.

Your first date - Not including all the times you'd met at the park, Loki took you to Asgard. He begged Thor to let him back and after Thor seeing how much you had made him a better person he let you.

How he cheers you up - Normally he buys you an ice cream because that's what you did for him the first time you met when he was sad. Sometimes he will talk to you about his life in Asgard and his childhood while cuddling you and stroking your hair because he knows that makes you feel happy and calm.

What he calls you - Princess. With him being a Prince and all he feels it is only right that he calls you and treats you like a Princess.

Your children's names -
Boy: Lucus Laufeyson
Girl: Lacey Frigga Laufeyson

His favourite thing about you - Physically he loves your eyes and he often reminds you how beautiful and mesmerising he thinks they are. But when it comes to the things you can't see, he loves your intelligence. He loves to listen to you telling him facts and things about Earth that he would never be able to figure out himself. It also makes his stay here much easier when you teach him about Earth's culture making him feel like he fits in more.

Your first kiss - When you were in Asgard, you were overlooking the whole city from Loki's old childhood balcony. Loki was telling you all about Asgard and the kiss sorta just happened.

Your first argument - Loki wanted you both to move and live in Asgard but you refused to live there as you couldn't leave your family behind. Loki went to Asgard, mad with you, for a couple of days and then Thor came down to take you to Asgard for you to apologise and make up. You still won that argument though because you live on Earth but visit Asgard a lot.

What you love to do together - Everything. As long as your together, which you almost always are, you and Loki will do anything. You love to show him new things like ice skating and museums but he likes to catch up on the films and TV he's missed with you.

The first "I love you" - You knew he was missing his mother so you got Thor to get all of her pictures and you put some up around your apartment and made a scrapbook for Loki. Mainly out of boredom but he loved it so much that it was the first time you had seen him cry and he told you he loved you.

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