Loki- Easter Special

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-The first half of this imagine is explaining to Loki what Easter is celebrated for and honestly I knew why but not why Jesus was killed. I'd like to think I am very slowly shaping into a good Christian but I'm still learning so if anything I have written is inaccurate then please do politely correct me.

"LOKI," You shouted.

He ran into the room, worry etched into his features, "Yes? Y/N? Are you okay?"

You chuckled at how overprotective he is, "yes I'm fine, it's just that, I forgot tomorrow is Easter!"

"Easter?" His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as if he had never heard the word before.

You rolled your eyes, "don't tell me you didn't have Easter on Asgard too?"

Since you met Loki last year, with every holiday that comes along you'd have to explain it all to him. It's been more exciting for you though because it's meant that you get to go all out and make it as special as possible for Loki's first celebration. It seems the only thing they celebrated on Asgard was birthdays and coronations.

You tapped the space on the sofa next to you and Loki raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. He walked over and jumped under the blanket you were using to keep you warm.

"Okay, so Easter is a religious celebration but it's celebrated by most people now even if they aren't religious," you began.

"LIKE CHRISTMAS," Loki shouted excitedly.

You laughed, "yeah like Christmas."

Loki grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers, and leant down on your chest waiting for you to continue.

"Do you remember what Christmas was to celebrate?"

"The... um, birth of Jesus!"

You giggled at the fact that he was just like a child.

"Yeah, so Jesus lived his life in a perfect way, in my eyes anyway. He preached, he helped people with miracles and he taught everyone so many life lessons. But the Roman's didn't like him because he claimed to be the King of the Jews. Some say that was a false accusation but that was the main reason. They pinned Jesus up to a giant cross by his hands and feet. He died within the first 6 hours but they still stabbed him in the side to make sure he was dead and that day is known as Good Friday. They buried Jesus in a tomb but on the Sunday he was believed to have been  resurrected by God. And that day was tomorrow."

"So how do you celebrate it?"

"Well, we give each other Easter eggs, which are chocolate eggs. When I was younger we used to do Easter egg hunts and it was my favourite time of the year, but as I got older my parents said I didn't need to celebrate Easter as much any more and they stopped the hunts."

Loki shot up and you knew from the mischievous look in his eyes, he had had an idea.

"Looooki?" you spoke like he was a child about to do something wrong, "What is it?"

He tried to play it off as if he didn't just have a gigantic, bright light bulb appear above his head to you.

He coughed, "oh, it's nothing. I just remembered I had to ring Tony today to talk about, umm, work stuff."

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, "Umm, okay, your phone is on the side in the kitchen."

Loki stood up and shivered slightly as the blanket was removed from his skin, making you chuckle. He leant over to you and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, his constantly cold lips making you shiver too.

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