"Huh?", Without thinking Carlisle sounded his question.

"Uh, nothing Carlisle. I said like that because I thought I saw our famous actor here came with someone earlier. And now he said that he'd come alone. And again, I saw that the person that he came with earlier was looking at you both.. Ah, no! She's walking to us right now. See it yourself, Garrison. If not, then I need to go to optometrist immediately after this."

After the words leave Zander's mouth, Alden spun his body to the back. As soon as his eyes meet with the other eyes, cold sweats started to appear on his temple. Quickly he turned his head to his front, smiled awkwardly at Carlisle, "Hahaha.. sorry, Carlisle. Situation arises. I need to go first." Then, he went away like earlier flattering did not happen.

Stupefied Carlisle turned to Zander, "Who-"

"His mommy."

"Oh, his mother. Mommy boy, aren't him?" Carlisle chuckled remembering Alden's face seeing his mother earlier.

Zander snickered, chugged a glass of margarita, "How old do you think he is? Not that mommy. It's his sponsors mommy. Sugar mommy for short." He talked absently, like it was an evening news to talk with your neighbour.

Carlisle looked in horror, both to the info and the way Zander took his drink. "Oh.. wow." He lost his words.

"I know you're shock. But, seriously I tell you, showbiz is oh-so fun world of puppets theatre." Zander continued his drinking, "where's your drink?". Before Carlisle opened his mouth to answer him, he took one glass of champagne from a waitress that walking around with a platter full of glasses. "Here you go." He put it in front of Carlisle. Offered, "Drink it."

"Ah, thanks." Carlisle said, sipped his drink slowly.

One to two.

Two to three.

Three to ...

Carlisle had lost his count of glasses he had drink. Zander kept offering him glass after glass of alcohol and cocktail that he alone cannot tell the name of its.

"You like your drinks?" Zander slurred, whispering to Carlisle's ears. He had situated himself at Carlisle side just after third glass he had consumed that night, leading to their position right now.

Carlisle chuckled, shrugging his left shoulder to rub his ear that Zander had whispered. He felt trickle. "Urm.. yes." He answered, tipsily, turned to Zander to answered him.

After Carlisle turned to him, Zander ducked his head and started to give a fluttering kiss the hollow of Carlisle's throat. Laughing, Carlisle pushed him to stop his assaulted.

"Why?" Zander made a pouty drunken face.

"It's tickles."

"Then, let's find the un-tickles place." Zander grinned, "what about here?", he traced his finger along Carlisle's lip balm coated lips.

" 'dun know." Carlisle answered. He took his glass of Long Island Ice Tea, sipped it, then licked his lips afterwards.

Zander's eyes followed the movements from swept of the tongue. He reduced the distance between them, smirking he said, "Inviting aren't ya?"

"It is, if you think so." Carlisle move forward to discard the distance between them. Successful to capture Zander's open lips as he opened its to answered Carlisle earlier.

When their mouths reciprocated with a kiss, everything went oddly quiet.

Received such a sudden attack made Zander in shocked but he managed to cover it. Quickly, he tried to take the lead in their kissing, and, not more that seconds later, he managed to dominating the play of organ inside both mouths.

They were kissing like their lives depend on it. Like both was an oxygen tank for each other.

Zander mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than Carlisle could have imagined. Zander tasted tentatively with his tongue to the palate inside, and Carlisle eagerly responding to the teased in his mouth with a low moan.

Zander tongue slipped inside Carlisle's mouth, gentle but demanding, and it's nothing like he'd ever experienced. That moment he understand, why people described kissing as melting. It's because every square inch of his body dissolves into Zander's grip, molden to him.

Carlisle's fingers gripped Zander's hair, pulled him closer. His veins throbbed and his heart almost exploded. He have never wanted anyone like this before.


Zander grabbed Carlisle on his shoulder, trying to make their nonexist distance became closer. They forgot the actual place they were, in front of peoples; Zander's crews in an open party.

And if he realised, Carlisle don't care. He don't care about any of that.

All he want was Zander.The weight, the caressed of his hands on top of him was extraordinary. Carlisle felt Zander - all of him - pressed against his body, and he inhaled his dull shaving cream scent, his shampoo smell, his cologne and other extra scent that's just ....him. The most delicious scent he could ever smell .

Carlisle wanted to breathe him, licked him, ate him, drunk with him.

Zander's lips taste sweet, like honey. His face had the bit of stubble and it rubbed his skin but he did not care.

He didn't care at all.

It's wonderful. That's he felt. Zander's hands were everywhere, and it did not counted that his mouth was already connected with him.

Zander released Carlisle mouth. Panting to chased the air that almost lost from their lung. His head leaned against Carlisle temple.

From under his lashes, Carlisle glanced at Zander. "I want to be closer with you."


So, that is it. My first attempt in kissing scene. Not sure if it's lacking or already enough.

It is bad or not? But, most of all, I hope all of you enjoy it.


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