Chapter 31: You make me strong

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Liam's POV

"I needa see her"

 "Sir, you are in no position to be walking around"

 "Then wheel me there, I don't care I just needa see her"

 "Fine" he nurse fussed and then went to get the doctor. After having the same discussion with the doctor I was finally allowed to go. The nurse helped me into the wheelchair and then took me down the hall to the women's unit of the ICU. I was just about to enter when it struck me. I'd gotten so persistent about seeing Isabella that I had forgotten the state that I was in. She'd know I was the donor the moment she saw me. And even if I was dressed in regular clothes I couldn't just walk into her room like nothing was wrong. It was just a day after surgery and I still had quite a bit of recovering to do. They told me that Isabella'd only woken up late the night of the surgery, but she'd been asking for me from the moment she opened her eyes just like I'd been asking about her.

 "What's the matter, getting cold feet?" the nurse teased seeing me tense up.

 "No" I shook my head. I didn't want to tell Isabella that I was her donor cause I didn't want her to feel like she owed me. As far as I was concerned seeing her smile was all the payment I needed. I just wanted her to feel better again and if I could help then I'd be glad to, it was that simple. The nurse wheeled me into Isabella's room and left me at her bedside.

 "Ten minutes Mister" the nurse said before making her way out. I nodded, thanked her and then turned my attention to Isabella. She was asleep and I just sat there watching her for a few moments. I had asked to see her first thing in the morning since I knew her parents were gone to their hotel to freshen up and get some rest and I had begged my parents to do the same. I reached for Isabella's hand and she started to stir as my fingers brushed hers. I looked around at her room and smiled, there were loads of flowers, cards, and teddy bears; from the fans no doubt. I think I even saw a doll of myself on the nightstand. I myself had received lots of support even though they knew nothing about the surgery. They just thought that the lads and I'd taken some time off since Iz was going for surgery. They weren't wrong they just didn't know all the details.  Isabella looked so peaceful as she lay there that I didn't want to disturb her, but I knew I only had ten minutes, the nurse had made sure we were clear on that. So as I was going over it in my mind something shiny caught my eye. On her bedside table was the name plated chain that I'd seen her wearing a few days earlier. I picked it up and read the letters: JAY.

 "Hey you" I felt her tug on my hand and I turned to face her.

 "Iz you're awake?" I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek gently.

 "I am" she smiled. I kissed her on the lips and she smiled even more. She took my face in her hands and looked right into my eyes.

 "I love you Liam"

Isabella's POV

"I love you too babe" he said as I drew his face closer to mine for a second kiss that lasted a lot longer. He eventually pulled away and I got a good look at him for the first time. He was in a robe sat in a wheelchair. I knew exactly what it meant, but I wasn't surprised. I'd figured it out when I'd spoken to Dr Sullivan and the fact that Liam hadn't come to see me was a dead giveaway.

 "Thank you" I whispered grasping his hand.

 "It's the least I could've done" he smiled that smile, you know the one that's so genuine and his eyes get tiny and wrinkle at the corners. I felt a tear escape from my eye and I quickly swiped at it. As I did I felt a jabbing pain my chest and I cried out.

 "Iz are you okay?" Li asked obviously concerned.

 "Yeah I'm fine, still got some healing to do" I smiled to reassure him. I reached for his other hand and I found he was holding something.

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