Chapter 12:Before you leave me today

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Isabella's POV

"Isabella! Isabella!" There were flashing lights everywhere I turned and I barely managed to get into the hospital without tripping. I was going by myself today and I'd havta say I was pretty glad Aunt May hadn't come. She had work to go to, but had insisted that she could take the day off. But of course I can be very persuasive at times and I told her that she should save her leave for when I was really sick.

 "Isabella is it true that you're dying?" I don't know how, but one of the paps had gotten into the hospital and was now shoving a camera in my face. I kept walkin but he just kept shoving his lens in my face and asking really difficult questions. I felt like yelling at him to leave me alone, but I just wouldn't give him the satisfaction.

 "Is it true that you were diagnosed with Lopis?" he asked again.

 "If I answer will you leave me alone?" I asked giving in.

 "Yeah, yeah!" the guy said all excited. I turned around and looked straight into the camera.

 "Yes, I have Lopis"

Zayn's POV

"Ok Liam, we have a question for you" the interviewer asked.


 "Is it true that your friend Isabella has a disease called Lopis" I took one look at Leeyum and knew he didn't know how to answer thah, so I did.

 "Thah's private" I said and got a nod from Leeyum.

 "Well, Zayn obviously doesn't want us knowing the answer to that" the interviewer chuckled and I felt a little foolish.

 "No, I think he's right, as much as we like to keep our fans in the know about ourselves, our friends need their privacy too" Leeyum said coming to my defence.

 "Of course" the ladeh said as though she completeleh understood, when in fact a minute ago she was jompin down Leeyum's throat for an answer.

 "Anyway moving on..." She went on to the next question and Leeyum quickleh turned t meh.

 "Thanks mate" he whispered and I just gave him a smile. This whole thing with Isabella was becomin really hectic, buh he didn't havta worreh, cause we always goht his back.

Gerard's POV

I knew I'd upset Isabella and I felt bad but it wasn't that I'd lied. Everything I'd told her was pretty accurate except for the part about Liam liking her. Of course he could like her; any guy can and should be honoured to have her notice them. Isabella is just one of those girls that you don't meet every day. She's so different it's attractive and I'm sure Liam is falling in love with her the way I had. Yeah I had a crush on Isabella, but I knew things would never work out since she was moving away so I'd given up on it. I kinda liked her since high school, but she didn't see me as more than a friend and I never got the courage to ask her. So two years pasted and we were still best friends and I decided that it wasn't worth risking. And then she got a transfer to England and the rest is history. So maybe, just maybe I was wrong and was just saying all that stuff cause I'm jealous. Ok, now that I think of it I was totally out of line and should definitely apologize to her. But I'd havta do something really special cause sorry just doesn't cut it, not with Isabella anyway.

Liam's POV

'If I could turn, turn back the hand of time'

"Ok Liam, you take me hand" I took it and she laughed at me.

 "No not like that, put your fingers through mine"

 "Like this?" I asked and she nodded her approval.

 "Now your other hand goes around my waist"

 "Like this?" I asked again.

 "Yeah you're a natural!" she beamed and I could see the gaps in her teeth where some teeth had fallen off.

 "Ok, now we sway to the music"

 "But there's no music" I said obviously seeing it as quite a dilemma.

 "It doesn't matter, the music's in your head"

I remembered it as though it was yesterday and I almost wanted to call her up to see if she did too. But I stopped myself, she had work tomorrow and it was late. And she was ill. And she's my best friend. And I'm falling in love with her. So when exactly did two kids learning how to dance in our lounge turn into all of this. Well, as much as I hated how complicated it'd become I was ready to make it a little more complicated. It was Niall's birthday on Saturday and we were throwing a party for all our friends. Isabella was going to be there and a plan slowly starting to form in my mind.

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