Chapter 10:Well I put up a good fight

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Isabella's POV

Liam caught me completely off guard and for a moment I just froze. But then it suddenly felt so familiar and I kissed him back. I knew he was only kissing me cause of everything that I'd just told him, but I tried to ignore it... until I couldn't anymore and I hada pull away. He looked me right in the eyes and I hada look away.

 "I better go" I mumbled and then started looking around for my stuff.


 "Thanks for everything, I have work tomorrow" and with that I was out the door before he could stop me. On the way home I found myself smiling. Well, whatever the kiss had meant it was really good and as I ran my tongue over my teeth I could still taste him. So to take my mind off Liam I decided to turn the radio on, but it only resulted in more blushing.

'It makes your lips

 So kissable

 And your kiss


 Your fingertips

 So touchable

 And your eyes


Liam's POV

'I've tried to ask myself

 Should I see someone else?

 I wish I knew the answer

 But I know

 If I go now

 If I leave

 And I'm on my own tonight

 I'll never know the answer'

Who would be playing irresistible at this hour? I went downstairs to investigate and found Niall sitting on the sofa with an old fashion radio next t him.

 "Niall, what are you doin?" I laughed at the craziness of the guy, bless.

 "I'm listening to the Greg James show"

 "And he's playin Irresistible?"


 "Ok then" I shook my head and decided to go back upstairs.



 "You have lip-gloss on your face"

Ok that was really embarrassing, but fortunately it was just Niall, he probably wouldn't even think about it. I went to wash my face and then decided to go to bed. I was pretty knackered, but once I got into bed I couldn't sleep. The events of the day were running through my mind and I shook my head just to clear it. And then it just started coming to me, so I had to write it down. I didn't know if the random lyrics would turn into a hit, but I didn't care. I just needed to keep writing.

'So take my hand

 And don't let go

 Cause tonight is all we have

 And I don't know about tomorrow'

Isabella's POV

'Don't over think just let it go'

I been pretty much avoiding Liam all week. Yeah we'd texted and stuff but every time he'd ask if I wanted to hangout I'd make up some excuse. I knew I was going to havta face him at some stage, but I just felt that this was not the stage. So, now it was Friday night and I was home alone cause even Aunt May has a social life. Turns out she was spending the night at her boyfriend's house. Which is really creepy since she’s like sixty, ok fine fifty, but still? Oh well, my aunt's love life is none of my business especially since I am 20 and don't have one. I heard the vibration and picked up my phone to see a text from none other than Liam Payne.

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