Chapter 16:To me it's everything

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Liam's POV



 For some reason the lad was yelling my name and it echoed throughout the house making it very difficult to follow the sound.

 "Lee-yum!!" Ok now that was definitely Zayn. What was going with these guys?

 "Zayn?!" I called out hoping he'd tell me what in the world was going on.

 "We're upstairs bro!"

 I went upstairs and found them on the balcony waving at some people below.

 "Guys what's going on?"

 "Leeyum, ya havta see this!" Zayn said motioning for me to come outside and when I did I was awed. There were around 50 girls with signs that where all apparently for me. Niall was talking to them and a few answered him, but what caught my attention the most were three girls in the front. They had a huge banner that said:

 'We love you Liam. Stay strong. We hope Isabella gets better soon'

 Ok our fans are great and we've had our ops and downs, but as far as I was concerned this was their best day yet. I mean I almost wanted to invite them all up, but the voice of reason that actually still exists somewhere at the back of my mind, spoke up and I decided against it.

 "What are you girls doing here?" I asked and they all screamed their reply.


 "Aww I love you guys too" I smiled at them but quickly turned away so they wouldn't see me cry. Zayn wrapped his arms around me and we just held each other for a little while. Niall continued talking to the girls while I pulled myself together.

 "You think we can go down there?" I asked Zayn who just shrugged.

 "I don't know bro"

 "Niall quickly go get Paul" I said to the Irish one who quickly ran off to complete his task. And then to the girls,

 "Would you mind if we come down to you?"

 They of course really liked that idea and started screaming like they usually do.

 "Shh, or else Paul won't let us" I said holding my finger to my lips. And it worked like magic, they immediately quieted down.

 Zayn's POV

'Been a lotta places

 I've been all around the world

 Seen a lotta faces

 Never knowing where I was'

We were singing a few songs for the girls kinda like as a thank you for their support. Niall brought his guitar down and was willing to play any song they requested and they absolutely loved it.

'On the horizon

 Oh I know, I know, I know, I know

 The sun will be rising

 Back home'

We all really love this song for obvious reasons, but recently Leeyum was crazy about it.

'Don't forget where you belong (home)

 Don't forget where you belong (home)

 If you ever feel alone (don't)

 You are never on your own

 And the proof is in this song'

I think its cause even though he loves being on the road, he really misses Isabella. That girl means the world to him and I'm glad our girls are showing their support.

'Been away for ages

 But I've got everything I need

 I'm flicking through the pages

 I've written in my memory

I feel like I'm dreaming

 So I know, I know, I know, I know

 That I'm never leaving

 I won't go'

Hazza looked like he was half asleep buh he did his part really well and the girls were screaming their lungs out. The crowd had like doubled by now and our security was lookin around nervousleh. They were probably gonna make us go away jus now.

 We finished the song and then Leeyum picked up the loud hailer or whahever you call thah thin, to give a speech.

Liam's POV

I was somewhere in the middle of my speech just saying thank you to the girls for their support and how they're the best fans in the world and stuff, when my phone rang. It was pretty loud and everyone started laughing cause it was the 'S Club 7' theme song. It was Isabella's ringtone and I still remember how hard we'd laughed when she'd set it about a month ago when we'd first started dating.

 "That's his girlfriend calling!" Louis said for the benefit of the girls. And the girls immediately started chanting.

 "ANSWER IT! ANSWER IT! ANSWER IT!" so I answered it.

"Hi babe"

 "Li hey am I disturbing you?"

 "No not at all" I said looking around at the hundred plus girls in front of me.

 "Ok well I just wanted to say hi"

 "Babe, I have a surprise. Is it ok if I put you on speaker?"

 "Yeah sure" I could almost see her nodding.

 "Say hi girls" I held out my phone to the girls.


 "Liam?" she was obviously confused.

 "These girls are outside our house right now" I explained.

 "Wow well, tell them I love them too" the girls in the front heard her and they were like 'oohing' and stuff.

 "GET WELL SOON!" they said as if they were some well-rehearsed flash mob.

 I held the loud hailer to my phone so they could catch Isabella's reply.

 "Thanks so much you guys, it means a lot"

 We had to go back in now, but I'd have to say that was one of the best ways to start the day and that’s why I love my job so much.

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