Chapter 2: Zayn who?

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Zayn's POV

When I woke up Leeyam had already gone. I'd told him I'd come with buh it slipped meh mind. I went downstairs to see wha the boys were doin since it was already about lunch time. Loueh was playin FIFA so I decided to join him. We were playing for like fifteen minutes before Leeyum walked in.

"Hey guys"

"Hullo Leeyum, sorreh bout this mornin babes"

"It's alright mate, Niall had a fun time"

Just then Niall walked in with a girl. The two were chatting happileh and didn't even seem t notice the rest of us.

"Guys this is Isabella, Iz these are the lads" Liam introduced. Then only did the girl turn her attention away from Niall.

"Nice t meet you, love" Loueh said goin over and givin her a cuddle.

"Hiii" Harry said comin in from somewhere.

"What are you guys playin?" she asked sittin down on the sofa in front of the telly.

"FIFA 14, wanna play?" Lou offered her the remote.

"Ok, but promise not to cry when I whip your ass" she said grabbing the remote from the Tommo.

"Oh you're on" Loueh shot back.

Whah the hell was wrong with this girl I mean you don't jus threaten the boss like tha. And you did get the part where she didn't greet meh, right? I mean she didn't even look in my direction, like I don't exist or som'hin. The rest of the day was pretty borin. Loueh and that girl played FIFA for three hours flat and Harreh was doin som'hin silleh as usual. Leeyum and Niall were doin a twitcam and I decided t join them halfway through. Generally I enjoyed some down time, buh noht today not with that girl around. And as if things couldn't get worse Leeyum invited her t stay the night. Thah was not in the plan. She was supposed t hangout at our place for the day and then go to her auntie’s, where she was goin t live. Buh no, Leeyum had'ta be a gentleman and ask her t stay the night, cause apparentleh we didn't really have anythin t'morrow, just a show in the evenin. I was hopin she'd say no, that she was missin her aunty or sum'hin, buh of course if that's wha I wanted she wouldn't do it.

"Hey bro, can I bunk with you tonight?" Liam asked

"Yeah sure"

"I'm letting Iz use my room, so..."

"No worries bro" I patted him on the back and headed up to my room. It wasn't that late and I wasn't tired yet, buh I just wanted t get away from tha girl. I'd go find som'hin t keep me busy. Maybeh I'd call Perreh, although she'd probableh tell meh t be nice t that Isabella or wha’ever her names is.

Isabella's POV

The boys' house is so amazing. Ok it's not officially their house, it's just the place they're staying at but you know what I mean. They have like eight bedrooms and six bathrooms, which is just sick. And Liam has his own bathroom so at least the boys didn't havta see me in my pj's. I was halfway done in the shower when there was a knock on my door.


"Who's there?"

"Uh it's Zen"

"Zayn who?"

It's not that I didn't know who he was I just wanted him to know that he couldn't just expect people to know him cause he's so famous. I mean you could have an amazing life without ever hearing of him.

"Zen Malik?"

"What do ya want?"

"Jus came t see if you were op cause breakfast's ready..."

Was he being nice? No way, he couldn't he's a jerk. Well, that's the impression I got.

"Tell Li I'll be down in a minute"

"Okeh, try not t drown yourself"

Ahh there it was you see, he is a jerk. I mean what did I ever do to him?

Zayn's POV

Wha was wrong with that girl? I was genuinleh being nice t her. Why'd she havta be all snappy and stuff.

"Hey bro, is she op?" Leeyum asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Yeah, she'll be down in a minute..."

"You want some pizza?" he offered.

"No thanks" I mumbled.

"What's with that?" Leeyum asked drawing a ring in the air around my face.

"You could've at least told her my name"

"You could've done that too" he smiled as I reached for the slice of pizza and then slinked off to go sulk in one corner.


"Mornin guys" she came down smilin and took a seat beside Niall at the breakfast nook.

"Mornin Iz" Niall said while feedin his face. Oh, so they were on a nickname bases now, how sweet.

"Mornin babe" Leeyum said handin her a saucer with a slic'a pizza.

"There's cereal if you want?" he offered.

"Pizza's good, standard American breakfast" she joked and Niall laughed like it was the funniest thing eveh.

"What's it like livin in America?" Niall asked and she gave him a long borin storeh bout how difficult it was t fit in when she was little. The two could've gone on forever buh luckileh Leeyum interjected. Although after hearin wha he hada say I wish he hadn't.

"Iz, you should come to our show later..."

No!No!No! I wanted t yell buh I jus froze instead.

"I dunno my aunt might be worried"

Ahh the girl had some sense.

"We'll take you home first and then maybe Paul could pick you op later"

Why was Leeyum so thoughtful? And besides Paul had a lota other stuff to do.

"Ok we'll see how it goes"


"Hey Zayn, think I should come to ya show?" she turned around takin meh by surprise. I was so shocked I had no idea wha t say to her. And then Leeyum and Niall were starin at meh waitin for and answer.

"Sure, why not huh?"

Tha one seemed t throw her back, I could tell by her expression.


Zayn 1     Isabella 0

So far so good now all tha would be left would be for her t stay home. Tha way she wouldn't be givin me wha I wanted. Except for the fact tha there was no way I wanted her there, I was usin some reverse psychology, if that's even a term.

"I'll be there then" she said leavin meh completeleh speechless.


Zayn 1    Isabella 1

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