Chapter 7: colors fade to grey

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Isabella's POV

I woke up early the next morning knowing I had a doctor's appointment. I really didn't want to go, but of course Liam had insisted and like I told you before, I can never say no to him. I think it's something about those eyes. I didn't know any doctors in London so Liam had made an appointment with his for me. He said the doctor was really good and I had nothing t worry about, but I was still a little nervous. And I found myself clinging to Liam's arm as we walked into the hospital.

 "Ya ok Iz?" he asked.

 "Uhm yeah"

 "Ok then here it is" he gestured towards the door to the doctor's rooms and we went in. It turned out Dr Sullivan was really nice and he made me feel pretty comfortable. He did a few standard checks and then asked about what had happened yesterday. I told him everything and Liam made sure I didn't leave out the part about my hands. The doctor seemed very concerned about that and asked me if I had some other symptoms. When I said yes to almost all of them he asked to speak with Liam outside. Ok now I was really worried. And sitting in the doctor's office alone was completely freaking me out.

Liam's POV

'Don't say the words that's on your lips

 Don’t look at me that way'

I didn't know what to say to Isabella as we walked out of the hospital. My conversation with Dr Sullivan had been one of those you never wanted to have, but knew you had to. He'd asked if she could come back tomorrow to do some tests to see if what he was suspecting was true.

 "Li?" she looked op at me and I could see tears welling up in her eyes.


 "Thanks for coming with me t'day"

 "You're welcome" I gave her a squeeze and kissed the top of her head.

 "It really meant everything to me"

 "Iz" the tears were flowing down her cheeks in a rhythm now. We were walking past an empty waiting room and I guided her to a chair.

 "What's all this about?" I asked as gently as I could. And she took a moment to compose herself before she spoke.

 "The last time I was in a hospital..."


 "It was the night...Jay had the crash..."

 It suddenly made sense to me. Why she didn't want to go to the doctor, why she had been clinging on to me for dear life. And why she'd been shaking the whole time in the doctor's rooms.

 "Isabella, I'm so sorry" I said taking her in my arms as she sobbed.

 "We'd been told t-to come to the hospital c-c-cause...he had an accident..."


 "But by the time I got there it-it...was too late...and they asked if I'd identify the b-body"

 "And did you?"

 "Yeah and I didn't even cry" she looked me right in the eyes and I hadta blink away tears.

 "I didn't feel a thing Liam, nothing!" she was getting louder now and I placed my hand on her back.

 "But comin here?"

 She nodded and burst into tears again.

 "I feel everything"

Isabella's POV

I got home to my aunt May's and immediately ran to my bedroom like a little girl. All I wanted do was curl up into a ball and cry, cry until it didn't hurt anymore. But no matter how much I cried the pain wouldn't go away. So I just kept crying until I lost my voice anyway. My aunt was at work so I had the place to myself. Liam had suggested I hang out with him and the boys for a bit, but I had said no. I just couldn't see their smiling faces not right now. And I definitely didn't want them to see me in this state, yesterday had been embarrassing enough. I decided I needed to take a shower just to clear my head and also because I was a complete mess. I was just standing there in the shower with the water running down when it hit me that with all the drama I hadn't asked Liam what Dr Sullivan had said. As soon as I got out of the shower I called Liam.



 "Oh hi Iz, how you doin?"



 "Hey Li, I was wondering..."


 "What did Dr Sullivan have't say?"

 "Oh I didn't tell you?"




 He was acting really weird.

 "Liam, what did he say?!" I asked again.

 "He uhmm...he said you should go back for some tests tomorrow"

 "Then why didn't you tell me?"

 What was wrong with him? Why couldn't he just tell me what the doctor had said?

 "Sorry babe I forgot"

 "Ok so do I like have an appointment?"

 "Yeah it's at nine"

 "Ok thanks"

 "I'll come around half eight if that's ok"


 Liam didn't have his license yet but he could drive if a licensed driver was with him. So Paul would drop him off like he'd done today and then we'd go to the hospital with the car I recently bought. I said bye to Liam and then went to get something to eat. Turns out I was starving; all that crying was an appetite builder. I sat down with my toast and decided I needed some company so I went online to chat to Gerard.

 How was I so lucky to have two really great best friends?

Liam's POV

"Zayn what should I do?" I was lying on Zayn's bed and completely freaking out. Zayn's a good listener, that's why I always confide in him. It wasn't always so much about the response, but more the fact that he really listened.

 "I don't know t be honest, ya should jus tell her"

 "Yeah but today was not the right time, I mean she was going through a lot as it is"

 "Yeah buh ya should tell her before the doctor does tomorrah, cause she'll be mad if ya don't"

 "Yeah, ya right Zayn. You think I should call her?"

 "It's op t you mate"

 "Ok, ok I'm gonna call her" I sighed and then pulled out my phone which started ringing immediately. I saw that it was Isabella and smiled. So she was thinkin about me too. But when I picked op I was disappointed cause all she wanted to know was what Dr Sulli had said. And that was the one thing I suddenly didn't want to tell her.

 "Why didn't ya tell her?" Zayn asked once I cut the call.

 "I couldn't, she didn't sound right"

 "Whah d ya mean?"

 "Like she'd been cryin...a lot" I shook my head and Zayn put his hand through my hair. That actually seemed quite sympathetic all things considered.

 "She'll be alright" he tried to assure me.

 "But you still think I should tell her?" I asked looking op at him.

 "Well, tha's whah I would do anyway" he shrugged. Ok then I made op my mind that I would tell her first thing tomorrow morning when I got to her house.

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