Chapter 6: I'm Fine

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Zayn's POV

"Niall come and chill oveh here" I invited tapping the seat next to meh.

 "What's the score?" he asked grabbin his giant bowl of popcorn.

 "Loueh's winnin of course" I laughed tappin Tommo on the back. Isabella was challengin Lou to FIFA again and things were gettin really heated op. I hate to seh it buh she's really good. This was the fifth round and so far they'd tied evereh single one.

 "Go Isabella!" Niall cheered.

 "Hey, Niall!" Loueh interjected.

 "Sorry mate she's good" Niall laughed and I couldn't help buh laugh too.

 "Zayn you're supposed t be on my side" Loueh squealed.

 "I am bro I am" I patted him on the back again.

 "Niall hit me" Loueh said and Niall responded immediateleh by stuffin a handful of popcorn into Loueh's open mouth. I slowly took some popcorn from the dish and started threading it through Isabella's hair.

 "Zayn!" she yelled.

 "Whah I'm givin you a pretty hairstyle man"

 "Just stop!" she turned around to bat my hands away.

 "Yes I win!" Loueh yelled jompin op and hi fivin meh.

 "Thanks mate" he laughed and I patted Isabella on the head as she screeched in frustration.


Zayn 4   Isabella 2

Ahh so I was comfortableh in the lead.

Isabella's POV

I went upstairs to use the bathroom. Louis and I had been playing for like four hours flat and I needed to pee. I went to the toilet and then went to wash my hands at the sink. I had just opened the tap when I felt my head spinning. I steadied myself by holding on to the sink and splashed some water on my face. I was probably just drained from our little FIFA marathon. I dried my hands and face and then opened the door. I felt my head spinning again and before I had a chance to do anything I completely blacked out.


I opened my eyes and looked right into a pair of concerned green ones. It took me a moment before I realized it was Harry's. I could hear the rest of the boys muffled voices and I realized I was lying on what appeared to be Zayn's bed. "Liam, she's awake" Harry called out to Liam who immediately came to me.

 "Iz, are you ok?" he asked the concern showing on his face.

 "I'm fine"

 "We should take her to the doctor" Harry suggested.

 "Yeah t get her head checked" Zayn laughed.

 "Zayn!" Harry shot him a look.

 "Whah she said she's fine" Zayn tried t justify himself.

 "Guys I'm with Zayn here, I'm fine"

 "You fainted" Niall said still holding his bowl of popcorn.

 "Yeah probably cause I haven’t really eaten all day"

 "We had McDonalds when you got here" Louis recalled. Thanks for that one Tommo now I knew Liam was gonna make me go to the doc.

 "Ok guys get her something t eat" Liam ordered and Louis and Zayn left followed by a reluctant Harry.

Harry's POV

I was on my way to my room to get my coat before I left, when I spotted her. Isabella was in a lump at the doorway to the bathroom. I rushed over to her and called her name, but she didn't answer. I check for a pulse and saw that she had one. I didn't see any blood so I figured she'd fainted and I picked her op and took her to the nearest room which was Zayn's. Luckily his bed was made and I set her down on it before calling the rest of the lads. Liam was really worried and thought we should call the medics, but we all decided to wait and see what would happen. If she'd fainted then she was bound to get op soon enough.

 "My mum's a nurse" Louis offered.

 "Louis, by the time your mum gets here she'll either be dead or outta the country depending which way this goes" I said looking at the unconscious girl lying in Zayn's bed.

 "Zayn there's a girl in your bed, I should tell Perrie about this" Louis teased and Zayn laughed. I was about to say something t them when Isabella opened her eyes. Liam was so worried about her it made me wonder if he didn't think of her as just a friend. I made a mental note to ask him about it later. He sent us down to get her something t eat and when we got back I was really sure there was something going on between them. Niall was sitting on the floor with his legs folded eating his popcorn while Liam and Isabella had their arms wrapped around each other.

 "Hi" I said and they immediately pulled away.

 "Thanks Hazza" Liam said as I handed him the sandwich I'd made.

 "Yeah thanks" Isabella smiled at me and I noticed her cheeks were a lot rosier than before.

 "No problem babe" I smirked and then went back downstairs. I could tell they needed some alone time. Well, as alone as you could be with Niall sitting there. On second thought I should have called him, but oh well.

Liam's POV

"Liam I'm fine, really" she tried to tell me as she sat op in the bed, but I wasn't believing a word of it. If the doctor said she was fine then she was fine, but for now I have no proof of that.

 "I still think you should go to the doctor" I reached for her hand and then stopped short.

 "What?" she asked.

 "Your hand..."


 "It's blue!"

 "It gets that way sometimes but it'll be fine don't worry"

 I was shocked at her how could she be so calm about it. And why was I getting so worked op? In fact I was on the verge of getting angry with her.

 "I'm taking you to the doctor" I said just shakin my head.

 "You shouldn't argue with that" Niall laughed.

 "Ok Li, I'll go to the doctor" she gave in.

 "Good" I smiled and she wrapped her arms around my neck. I hugged her back and it felt really good.


 We quickly pulled away and I looked op t see Hazza handing me a sandwich. I thanked him and then he left. Ok that was just weird and why were we being awkward? I mean we were just friends hugging, no big deal.

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