Chapter 14:I might just die inside

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Liam's POV

"You think she'll be ok?" I asked Zayn as we boarded the plane. Saying goodbye to Isabella was always difficult when we were friends, but now that we were a couple it was impossible. I couldn't stop worrying about her and I knew she hated it, but I just couldn't help it. What if she got swamped by paps or mobbed at the airport? What if she suddenly got really sick or fainted again and there was no one there to take her to hospital. She could die. All blood drained from my face as the thought filled my mind. I would've turned around and ran back to her if Zayn hadn't held his arm out to stop me, forcing me back into reality.

 "Leeyum she'll be fine, she's a big girl" he made sure I looked him in the eye when he said it. I nodded and then pulled out my phone. I just had to call her before we were asked to 'turn all cell phones off'. She picked op after the first ring.


 "Hi babe"


 "Are you ok?"

 "I'm fine and I will be perfectly fine, ok Woody?"


 "Go have fun"

 "I will" I smiled; she's so amazing.

 "Oh and don't forget to give Niall some of those biscuits I baked"

 "I won't, Iz I gotta go. I love you"

 I've said it a few times now, but she still hasn't said it back. Its ok, I'd just give her some time.

 "Call me when you arrive ok"

 "k bye babe"

 "Bye handsome"

Isabella's POV

 (two weeks later)

'Written in these walls are

 The stories that I can't explain

 I leave my heart open

 But it stays right here empty for days'

I was listening to music during dialysis again. I didn't feel too good today and I was using the music as my escape like I always do.

'And I'll be gone

 Gone tonight

 The ground beneath my feet is open wide

 The way that I've been holding on too tight

 With nothing in-between'

It was helping a little, but I've never been in this much pain before and I hadta shut my eyes just to keep from crying. My mum was here with me today and I didn't want her to know I was in pain.

'The story of my life

 I take her home

 I drive all night

 To keep her warm

 And time is frozen’

I tried to bob my head along to the music but it felt like every movement just made the pain even more excruciating.

'The story of my life

 I give her hope

 I spend her love

 Until she's broke inside

 The story of my life'

My mum squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.

 "You ok honey?" she asked and I nodded.

'Written on these walls

 Are the colours that I can't change

 I leave my heart open

 But it stays right here in its cage'

I smiled when I heard Niall's voice. Just the thought of the loveable, Irish guy made me happy.

'I know that in the morning now

 I'll see us in the light-'

But at the sound of Liam's voice the tears began to roll down my very pale cheeks and I had no control of it.

 "Isabella, what's wrong honey?" my mom asked obviously worried.

 "Mom...can you...get"

 It was all I managed to say before I completely blacked out.


I awoke to the sound of hushed voices. And when I opened my eyes I looked right into a pair of beautiful brown ones. The look in them was so tender that I immediately knew who it was.


 "Hi babe" he stroked my cheek.

 "What happened?"

 "You blacked out again"

 "No I mean, why are you here?"

 "Cause I thought you needed me, but if you want I could go right now" he teased and acted as if he would walk away.

 "Well, since you're here already...I suppose you could stay"

 "Aww how kind of you" his smile somehow made everything better.

 He bent over and kissed me on the cheek.

 "How're ya feelin?"

 "I want to say great, but...."

 He and my mum exchanged a look and I knew something was up.

 "What?" I asked.

 "Nothing, maybe you should get some rest honey" mom smiled, but I could see right through it. They weren't telling me something and as much as I wanted to know what it was I was suddenly too afraid to ask.

Liam's POV

"Liam, wait"

 I turned around and walked back to her bedside. I took her hand in mine and looked into the face of a girl I've known all my life. I could still see traces of the little girl that used to jump on my bed and play Toy Story with me. But there was another girl there too; the girl I loved so much that I couldn't stand to see her this way.

 "Liam, tell me" she begged and I looked away. Why was it my job to do this? Why couldn't her mom or doctor Sulli?

 "Iz..." man this was hard "the doctor said" I couldn't go on I just couldn't.

 "Baby, tell me, I havta know" she looked into my eyes and pleaded. So I took a deep breath and went on.

 "Your...your kidneys...they're failing..." getting it out was actually a relief and I let out a sigh. She smiled at me and wrinkled her nose in the way that she does.

 "See, it wasn't that difficult"

 "It would've been a lot easier if I knew you were gonna handle it this well" I laughed.

 "And why would I react any differently?"

 "Oh Iz" I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead.

 "You're forgetting that I've watched you fight for your life every day. And I know it sounds silly cause I was just a baby as well and you wouldn't think I'd remember, but I do"


 "I'm not done" she said her American side coming out a little.

 I smiled and nodded and so she went on. "I remember when we started going to school and you used to get really sick all the time. And even when you weren't you couldn't take part in so many of the activities cause of your kidney. But you never let it get you down. You were always the sweetest little boy. And I remember thinking 'I wish I could be as strong as Liam' and now it's my chance to at least try" she shrugged at the last part as if it was just that simple. And I've never loved her more.

 "I love you, you know that" I kissed her again.


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