Chapter 30:Seconds and hours

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Isabella's POV

"It's time to go Iz" he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started leading me through the tunnel once more, but this time I didn't resist. I wasn't scared anymore; I guess I was too numb to feel anything. And then I felt something yanking at my chest and faintly, in the background I could hear music.

"Jay do you hear that?" I stopped in my tracks and looked up at my big brother.

"No" he shook his head. I strained really hard until I heard the music again. It wasn't as faint this time and I listened until the music became familiar.

'And you don't need

You don't need to run

And you will see

Its easy to be loved

I know you wanna be loved'

"Come on" Jay urged.

"Wait it’s Liam's part"

'Oh I will carry you over

Fire and water for your love'

The words were so clear now I started to smile.

"Come on" he said again, but didn't sound so convincing this time.

"Jay...I can't, I can't leave Li" I reached for his hand but I couldn't move it anymore.

"Goodbye Isabella" he whispered.

"Bye Jay"

I felt that tugging on my chest again...and then everything went black.

Zayn's POV

"But Paul we gotta see Payno" Niall begged.

"It’s a security hazard" Paul said again.

"Yeah, well we can't just not go!" Loueh was frustrated now.

"I know lads, but management won't hear it" I could tell Paul was feeling bad about, but there wasn't much he could do. Cause if he took us to the hospital and we ended up gehting mobbed, it would be on his head.

"What if we go in one at a time like at two hour intervals?" Harreh suggested.

"Nah bro I don't think thah'll work" I shoved ma hands into ma pockehs.

"Anyone else got any ideas?" Paul looked at all of us. He obviousleh wanted to help us. I shoved my hands deeper into my pockets and felt a piece of paper I didn't remember putting there. I pulled it out and realized it was a phone number with the name Evette at the bottom. It took me a few seconds to realized whah it was before I spoke up.

"Lads I may have a plan"

I called Evette and she was more than happy to help. She said she'd sneak us in through a back entrance thah onleh the nurses knew about. I told the lads about it and they were delighted.

"Okay boys, let’s go" Paul said ushering us into the cars. Paddy was already at the hospital with Leeyum and Andy and Alberto were coming with us. So we had sufficient security if we goht mobbed or something, buh I was pretty sure ‘fit Evette’ would come through. I mean she said she was a fan, and our girls never let us down.

Liam's POV

I opened my eyes in a very white hospital room that was kinda blinding to be honest. I looked around and things were a bit fuzzy, but I managed to focus on the face of my mother. How many times had I woken up in a hospital bed to see her worried face?


 "Oh Liam" she started kissing my face and crying.

 "Mom, it's okay, I'm fine" I smiled.

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