Chapter 13:Never felt like this before

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Isabella's POV

So it was Nialler's birthday and I had absolutely nothing to wear, which was pretty pathetic since I work for a fashion magazine. I was goin t go shopping with my friend Charlotte from work, but I'd gotten so busy with going to the hospital and stuff that it never happened. So I found myself rummaging through my closet in search of somethin passable as a party dress. The boys said I could bring a friend with and I had invited Charlotte since I don't have a boyfriend, and since she kinda has a huge crush on Harry.

 "How about this?" I asked showing her a flowery summer dress.

 "Are ya crazy? It's freezin outside!"

 "Yeah good point" I threw the dress aside and continued digging.

 "Hmm how about this one?" I found a dress that my mom had gotten me for Christmas a few years ago.

 "Ok seriously, you should've asked me to bring something over"

 "Yeah my wardrobe sucks doesn't it?"

 "Pretty much"

 "Hey!" I picked up something and threw it at her and she burst out laughing. I turned around and continued my search.

 "What about this?" she asked holding up the garment I'd thrown at her. It was a long black dress that I didn't even know I still had.

 "Ya think I should wear it?" I ask sitting down beside her on the bed and examining the dress.

 "Yeah, I bet you'll look amazing, go try it on"

 "Ok..." I reluctantly took the dress from her and went to the bathroom. I took off my clothes and got into the dress that I've had for two years now, but have never worn. It was supposed to be a present from Jay for my eighteenth birthday, but of course he died before he could give it to me. The accident was just a week before my birthday and we found the dress wrapped up and with a card in his bedroom. I slowly walked out of the bathroom nervous to see what I looked like, but I was pleasantly surprised.

 "Wow Iz, you look stunning!" Lottie said as I walked in and stood in front of my floor length mirror.

 "Ya think?" I asked just to make sure.

 "Yes, you so havta wear this"

 "Ok I will"

 "You will?"

 "Yup" I nodded.

Liam's POV

"Niall, have you seen Isabella?" I asked looking around at the crowd. Pretty much everyone had shown op except, Iz.

 "No mate, not yet"


 I didn't want to call, cause I didn't want her to think I was rushing her or something. I'm sure she'd get here in time. Besides, she wasn't that late just like half an hour.

 "She here yet?" Zayn asked making his first appearance of the night. He looked pretty good in his powder blue shirt and dark blue jeans.

 "Nope" Niall answered for me.

 "You sure you don't wanna call her?" Niall asked and I had to rethink it.

 "She's noht thah late" Zayn shrugged and I nodded.

 "Yeah I'm sure she'll be here any minute"

 So I waited another hour, but when she didn't show I decided to call her. Her phone rang for a while before an unfamiliar voice answered.

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