Chapter 27:I'm barely holding onto you

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Zayn's POV

"Zayn I got my test results"

 "And whah did it seh?"

 "I don't know mate I haven't seen em yet"

 "You wanna open it together?"

 "Yeah let's do that" he opened the envelope and handed the papers to meh. I read them and then reported it to him.

 "Bro, I don't read doctor buh I think you're a match"

 "Lemme see" he grabbed the papers from meh and scanned over them.

 "Think you right, but I'm gonna ask Dr Sulli just to be sure" he said quickleh pullin out his phone to call the doc. He was on the phone for a few minutes and then he cut the call and started jompin op n down.

 "Zayn I'm a match, I'm a match Isabella doesn't have to die!"

 "Leeyum are ya sure you wanna do this?" I asked noht to burst his bubble or anehthin, buh just to be like the voice of reason or somethin.

 "Yeah I'm sure, but listen. I asked Dr Sulli not to tell Iz that she's getting my kidney. So I need you lads to cover for me again ok"

 "No worries Leeyum" I gave him a hug. And then we started talking about details and stoff.

Isabella's POV

"Isabella" he gently touched my cheek and I opened my eyes.


 "Hi babe"

 "Liam I've been meaning to tell you this..."

 "What is it?" he asked holding both my hands and looking at me with those honest eyes.

 "Liam I love you and I've been in love with you even before we found out I was sick. I didn't tell you cause I was scared and then I found out I was gonna die I knew it would only hurt you more when I was gone. But I can’t keep it in anymore and I've been trying to tell you all week-" I was interrupted by his lips crashing into mine.


 Someone was calling me. What was their problem, couldn't they see I was busy?

 "Isabella!" it just got louder and suddenly Liam started to fade away. And I opened my eyes to find that it was all just a dream.

 "Isabella?" it was Dr Sulli.


 "Sorry to wake you up but I have good news"


 "Yes" he had on a huge toothy grin but I didn't wanna jump to conclusions. Maybe all he was gonna tell me was that I had another month to live instead of two days. My family and friends didn't know this, but I wasn't able to get out of bed anymore. And water or any liquids were a big no no.

 "Well then tell me what it is" I urged.

 "We've found you a donor"

 Was he serious or was this one of those weird dreams where you wake up numerous times before you actually do wake up to find out that everything until that point was a dream?

 "Are you for real?" I asked.

 "Very much so in fact we would like to start the surgery first thing tomorrow morning.

 "Tomorrow morning?"

 "Yes I've spoken to your mother and she said your father should be in tonight"

 "So what should I do?"

 "You should be glad, but just don't celebrate too much. You're not allowed to eat or drink anything for the rest of the night and until after the surgery"

 "Anything else?"

 "The nurses will tell you the rest and prep you for surgery, good luck sweetheart" he smiled and then left the room. It was already 9pm so all I had was a matter of hours. And then I'd know if I would live or die.

Liam's POV

"Niall I am starving" I moaned watching Niall eat his huge bag of Doritos.

 "Not too late to change your mind" Louis teased.

 "Louis, I think he'd much rather have a girlfriend than a bag of crisps" Harry said looking up from his phone.

 "It was a joke Harold!" Lou yelled in mock frustration.

 "Leeyum ya readeh?" Zayn whispered to me. We were all just enjoying some down time, chillin out in the lounge. Manchester United were playing Chelsea so that's what we were watchin. United were one up so the lads were in pretty high spirits, but I was kinda nervous about the surgery. Luckily we were sitting in the dark so they couldn't read my expressions. Zayn was next to me though, so he had a pretty good idea of what was going through my head without me having to say it.

 "I dunno mate" I mumbled and he put an arm around my shoulder.

 "You'll be okeh bro" he reassured me.

 "Thanks Zayn"

 Isabella had called to say that they'd found a donor and I acted really excited as though I knew nothing about it. She was excited and it was really good to hear her like that. I'd promised her that I'd be there to see her first thing in the morning and I was looking forward to it. I knew I needed all the strength I could get before going into surgery and seeing her would give me that. It's not that I was second guessing my decision or anything, just the fact that not everyone was too excited about it. I'd told my family of course and while my dad was being supportive, my sisters were dead set against it, especially Roo. My mum didn't know what to feel and started crying the moment I told her, leaving me feeling a little bit guilty. But if it all worked out and I could save Isabella's life then it would all be worth it. That's what I kept telling myself anyway. I'd managed to get the day off telling management that I was going for some medical procedure for my kidney and they'd believed it. It wasn't a lie any way. So the lads were the only ones who knew the truth about it and I was glad to just hang out with my brothers. They were the only ones who really seemed to understand. I mean they didn't want me to go for the surgery, but they understood why I wanted to and they were supportive of that.

 "Aww Nooo!" Louis yelled jumping up and holding his head as Rooney's shot got saved by Cech. I looked at him and smiled. This was my life now and it was ace.

 "I love you lads" I said to all of them.

 "Aww we love you too Leeyum" Zayn put an arm around my neck squashing me and kissed my cheek. And the next thing I knew, it became a group hug and all five of us lads were in a pile on a two seater.

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