Chapter 9 He Shall Be My Squishy

Start from the beginning

We walked out of the store and they put the collar and leash on the puppy and tried to coax it into walking down the sidewalk. Louis ended up having to carry it, and when he did it revealed his huge biceps. I almost melted.

"Zayn, it looks like the puppy you held on that radio show when we sang What Makes You Beautiful!" Niall said.

"Hey, it does! I loved that dog!" Zayn said.

"Mine ran away." Harry said quietly and kind of sadly. I patted his back sympathetically.

"It's okay Harry, maybe it was just too excited to be held by you so it ran off to fangirl."

He gave me a look of pity. "Okay then Bianca." and then under his breath he said, "It's a good thing you're pretty."

I scowled at him. "I heard that Harry Edward Styles."

Liam laughed behind us. "You just got middle named."

"That's the second time today I've been called pretty by international pop stars." I said jokingly.

Zayn started humming his part to What Makes You Beautiful quietly. I resisted the urge to fangirl and hummed along. He stopped immediately and said,

"What song was that?" I scowled at him.

"Thank you very much Zayn! I was singing the same thing as you." they all laughed. "You guys are so mean to me!"

"You bring it on yourself, love" Louis said. I pouted as we walked. Niall walked up to me and put his arm around my shoulder.

"We're sorry Bianca, please don't be sad. I don't like it when people cry." I realized that I probably looked like I was on the verge of tears. So, being me, I decided to milk it. I sniffled pathetically and Pretended to wipe away tears.

"I'm sorry Niall. I don't mean to, but I'm just really sensitive. I think I need a hug." I sniffled again.

He immediately stopped walking and wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. I did a little scream inside my head and hugged him back. Score one for Bianca.

After Niall let go of me we started walking again so we could get back to the car we left at Nando's.

We let Harry drive back to their tour us this time. When we got there we sat down and watched the puppy try to eat Zayn's shoe.

"We have to name it, you know." I said.

Niall immediately shouted, "Nando!"

"Niall, you eat Nando's. Let's name him Kevin." Louis said.

"You have a stuffed pigeon named Kevin, Louis." Harry said.

"We can decide tomorrow. It's getting late now. Let's just go to bed." Liam said. "Bianca, you can sleep on the-"

He was cut off by Niall. "Dude, it's only 9:30. We're not five."

"Well then what do you want to do?" Liam asked.

"Let's watch a movie!" Louis suggested.

"Fine, what movie?" Liam asked.

"Finding Nemo!" Niall shouted.

"I thought you said you weren't five." Zayn said lazily from the couch.

"I'm not. Nemo is a classic."

Liam rolled his eyes and put in the movie. "I would've gone for Toy Story." he muttered under his breath.

We crammed onto the couch and chairs around their tour bus t.v. It was a little cramped but we smushed together.

"Tomorrow we will check into a hotel or something so we will have more room." Harry told me.

The movie started playing and we were all quiet except for the sounds of crunching popcorn and other snacks, until it got to the part where Nemo was taken by the divers. Then I heard sniffling noises coming from Niall, who was sitting next to me. I rubbed his shoulder sympathetically and he smiled at me through his adorable tears. He stopped crying after a while.

When the movie was over the boys were even more energetic than before. I, on the other hand, was about to fall asleep and was sitting on the couch. Until Louis came over and plopped on my lap. Normally, I would be thrilled to have a butt like that on my lap, but he turned then turned so I was cradling him like a baby.

"I'm obnoxious!" he yelled in my face. I recognized it as the line one of the fish from Nemo's school used. All the boys cracked up laughing and went on goofing around.

Harry ran up behind Zayn an slapped him on his bum. The other boys all dropped their jaws and whispered in awe in unison, "He touched the butt," then they all fell over each other laughing.

"Very mature." I commented.

"Hey Liam, where are you going?" Niall asked.

"I'm going to P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney!" he yelled. Again, they rolled on the floor with laughter.

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!" Zayn sang.

Harry and Louis were standing by each other. "Fin! Noggin! Dude!" they yelled together as they did the sea turtle handshake. Louis made his voice high like Squirt, the baby sea turtle.

Niall ran over to the puppy who was laying on the floor and held him up. "I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy!" Niall yelled. The puppy used this time as the perfect moment to bite Niall's finger. "Ouch! Bad Squishy! Bad Squishy!" this time we all fell over laughing.


Hey guys! I know I said this chapter would be up yesterday, but we ended up not getting home. But, I think it will be a long chapter. Also, K and I split this chapter.

If you have any ideas for the name of the puppy, please comment an tell us!

And if you haven't seen Finding Nemo, you need to. It's awesome.

The video on the side is of One Direction with the puppies!

Thanks for reading! Please comment and vote and fan! Thank you all sooo much!!!! :D ~R

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