Chapter 23 For Narnia and for Aslan

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Chapter 23

Walking back to the room with the x-ray machine was probably one of the scariest things ever. I was clutching onto Zayn the entire time we were walking.

When we finally got to the room, Zayn pried his arm out of my grip and tried to rub some feeling back into it.

"Right this way, please." the doctor guy said and held open a door for us.

"Don't make me go in," I pleaded in a weak voice.

"You have to." Zayn said.

"I might not come back!" I protested.

"I thought we just discussed this. You will come back, I'm coming with you, now go. Or I will carry you." he said sternly.

I may or may not have flipped him the bird and then walked through the door.

Inside the room was dark and filled with equipment. I immediately started freaking out.

"I saw something like this on tv once!" I said.

"On a medical show?" the doctor asked.

"No, a horror movie. They take the person, and drug them. Then they wake up without a kidney." I said.

"You're just getting an x-ray." Zayn said.

"You didn't let me finish. The people who took the person's kidney sold it on the black market to weird people and they ate it. They freaking ate it! I don't want my kidneys to be digested!" I yelled.

"Calm yourself and put on the jacket thingy the doctor is giving you." he said and motioned to the doctor who was holding up a vest. I reluctantly put it on.

"Alright miss, please just lie down on the table-" the doctor started.

"No way! Not happening!" I yelled again.

"We need you to lie down so we take x-rays of your ankle." he said.

"Or is it so you can strap me down to the table and perform weird science experiments on me?" I questioned.

"It's just an x-ray. I won't let him hurt you," Zayn told me. I glared at him.

"You better not, Quiffie, or I swear, I will get revenge." I said and laid down on the table .

They finished the x-rays while I was protesting from the table. The doctor told us to go back to the waiting room while they decided whether my ankle was broken or not.

I rocked back and forth nervously in my seat while the boys sat patiently around me. After what seemed like an eternity a nurse came out and told me they had the results.

It couldn't just be a simple thing though. They made us go back into yet another room and the same doctor guy from before walked in holding my x-rays.

"Well Miss Bianca, it seems that your ankle is broken and we need to reset it," he said carefully, like I was a psychopath or something.

"Holy crap no freaking way! You are not going to reset anything on me unless you want me to reset your entire face!" I practically screamed. I also might've let out a few choice words before Liam stopped me.

"If they don't reset it, your ankle will be like that the rest of your life and you won't be able to walk correctly," he said calmly.

"Fine then, explain to me how this resetting process is done," I said while examining my nails.

The doctor started, "We just have to numb you up and simply put the bone back in place. Then we put a cast on and wait for you to heal."

I thought about it for a moment. "Okay, you may reset my ankle and place it in the cast, peasant."

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