Chapter 6 She Slobbered On Me

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Chapter 6

Jade ran up to me as soon as she saw me walking in. "Hey! How excited are you for this concert? Where's Kir-" she stopped talking as soon as she saw the mega-hot boys behind me. "Is that One Direction?" she asked.

"Yep." she smiled and walked up to them.

"Hi, I'm Jade. How are you guys doing?"

Zayn answered, "Hey babe, we're fine,"

"Except for your crazy friend Kirsty who snuck in our tour bus and tried to kiss Liam." Harry said.

"Yeah, and she destroyed a bunch of food!" Niall chimed in.

"But how are you?" Louis asked.

"I'm great! It's so nice to meet you, and I am so sorry about Kirsty, she always been a little off." Jade said.

Liam shuddered, "She slobbered on me."

Harry smiled dreamily to himself, "She smelled like peppermints," he said.

"And vanilla!" Zayn added.

Jade looked at me. "She did the perfume thing, didn't she?"

I nodded. "Plus the nail polish thing, I let her do my nails." I held up my hand to show my perfectly manicured fingernails that were painted a light pink color.

"Did she watch the fact videos on YouTube?" Jade asked.

"Yeah, and Tumblr, Facebook, and everywhere else. And she read about every article about you guys on Sugar Scape. She forced me to watch them too. By the way Niall, I like your polo shirts."

"Thanks." he said in his adorable accent that made me want to melt. I'm starting to sound like Kirsty. Great.

"So, now that we've met your friend, we really need to go get ready for the show. But, we want to talk to you after the show, so take these," Liam said, handing us backstage passes, "And we will see you both later." then they walked away.

"I just met One Direction." Jade said with a dreamy smile on her face. "I actually met One Direction."

"Please don't go all Kirsty on me." I said.

"I will never be that insane. Ever."

We chatted for a while until the lights went off and music started playing. From our front seats we could see the band and then a little video clip started playing on the screens. The boys ran out on stage and started singing.

The rest of the concert was completely amazing. I got a few waves from each of the boys in my front row seat. Jade was having a lot of fun too and fangirled when they sang What Makes You Beautiful. I did a fair amount of fangirling too.

After the concert, we waited for the crowd of teenage girls to disperse and we headed to the backstage entrance. Jade and I both felt really cool when we showed the big scary security man our passes.

"Hey girls!" Louis said when we walked over to the spot they were all sitting.

"Hi guys! Great show!" Jade said.

"Thanks, glad you enjoyed it." Liam said.

I made the mistake of looking over to where Harry was sitting, completely naked.

"My eyes!" I yelled and turned around quickly.

"Oh, sorry." he said and put a couch pillow over his man business.

"I'm scarred!" I yelled. Zayn patted my back sympathetically.

"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it." Harry said, smirking.

We hung out for a while, and after Harry put some clothes on, we got pictures and autographs. I decided we should probably leave, because I would most likely have to find a new place to live since Kirsty was in jail or a mental institution.

"I have to get home." I said and heard a chorus of things like 'Aw, Please stay, and I'm hungry.'

"You said you lived with that psycho from before. Where will you go now?" Harry asked.

I shrugged, "I'll stay until at Kirsty's place until I run out of money, because I can't afford the rent, and hopefully by then I'll have somewhere else to stay."

"We're not just going to leave you to live on the streets!" Niall said, shoving some Pringles into his mouth.

"Yeah, you should stay with us!" Zayn yelled.

"Really?" it might sound trashy just accepting the offer to live with five guys that I just met, but seriously, it's One Direction. Plus they were giving me little pouty faces. How can you say no to a pouty face coming from the five hottest boys ever?

"Yeah!" they all yelled.

"Then I have to go get my clothes from the apartment."

"Then let's go!"

We said goodbye to Jade and went to Kirsty's car. I felt bad for leaving her and taking the boys with me, but she didn't seem to mind. Besides, she was perfectly happy because she got a Horan hug. At least that's what she called it.

Anyways, I let Louis drive back to the apartment because I'd never driven in England before. The rest of us turned on the radio and danced and sang along. I heard the familiar tune of Stereo Heart come on the radio and they all shouted excitedly. Niall started singing in his perfect beautiful voice. It was like an angel came and serenaded me. I swear I would've died, but I didn't want to miss any of it.

Louis pulled the car into the lot and we all walked in. Borris ran to meet us at the door.

He started doing a little excited dance. It was kind of weird because he's a fifty some year old elderly guy, but whatever.

"Bianca! You didn't tell me you were bringing guests back here!" then he turned to the boys. "Hi, I'm Borris. My granddaughters are huge fans. Could I get a picture?"

"Sure, no problem." Zayn said. Borris handed me his phone and I snapped a picture of them all together.

"Thank you so much. My grandkids are going to be so jealous!" he said and went back to his place by the door.

I directed them into the elevator and pushed the button to go up. The elevator dinged and we stepped off and went to my place.


Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to write this. Has everyone seen the One Direction movie? I did. It. Was. Awesome!!!!! Anyways, I'll try to put the video of Niall singing Stereo Hearts on the side, but if you saw the movie you've already seen it and it's amazingness. Thanks for reading and commenting and voting and fanning! ~R :)

Also, we still need to decide on a cover, so go check out chapters 2-5 and there's a cover attached to each. Comment on the one you like best!

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