Chapter 8 You're So Beautiful When You Eat Oatmeal

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Chapter 8

Okay, so we were supposed to head out, but being boys they woke up hungry. They thought I should make breakfast, so I forced them to help me.

We were in the kitchen making eggs, sausages, and pancakes, and oatmeal when Zayn walked over to the sink to rinse off a fork.

"Bianca, why do you have a pillow in the sink?" he asked and held up the pillow by the corner material. It was soggy and dripped milk in the sink.

"Last night Louis made you a cake." I said simply. They all turned and looked at Louis. He smiled sheepishly and shrugged.

"Louis sleepwalks sometimes." Harry said. "And Niall talks about his day in his sleep."

"Yeah, I found that out last night." I said. "He farts too." I scowled at him. He just laughed and went back to stirring oatmeal.

"What's the plan for today?" Liam asked me.

"Whatever you guys want to do," I said. "The sooner we're out of this place the better."

I finished scrambling the eggs and put them on a plate. As soon as the sausage was done, I set everything on the table. The boys all immediately filled up their plates and started wolfing down their food.

I looked at Liam and noticed he was shoveling down oatmeal with a fork. He was having a little bit of a hard time because some of it fell on the front of his shirt. I sat down beside him and cupped my chin in my hand. He noticed me staring at him, and he gave me a really weirded out look.

I batted my eyelashes creepily and smiled. "You're so beautiful when you eat oatmeal." I said in a low voice.

He leaned back in his chair and tried to scoot away. I laughed and stood up.

"If you guys need showers or anything, help yourselves. Kirsty has a bathroom attached to her room and there's one down the hall. I'm going to go take a fast shower."

They all said ok, so I went and got in. Something most people don't know about me is that I'm a shower singer. And not just one of those people who sings quietly and tries to sing good, I'm one of those people who sing at the top of their lungs, totally off key. So, I stood in the shower and sang the song Torn.

"There's nothing left, I used to cry, my conversation has run dry! That's what's going on! Nothing's fine I'm torn!" I went on to the next part and thought how ironic it was that on the X Factor Harry sang the part about lying naked on the floor. I really hoped he wasn't naked right now, because I did not need a repeat of yesterday after the concert.

I finished up in the shower and got out. Luckily, I remembered to bring my clothes into the bathroom so I wouldn't have to walk out in front of the boys completely naked.

After I was dressed, I walked out to see Niall rubbing his hair with a towel and the other boys sitting around, some of them looking a little more wet than others. I noticed Zayn was missing and I heard the shower going. Everything was unweird and awkward until I looked over to see Harry, with a towel draped over his curls, stark naked.

I immediately turned around and covered my eyes. "Harry, for the love of everything good in this world, put some clothes on!"

The boys all laughed and I heard a towel moving from someone's beautiful, bouncy curls to a lap. I also heard someone crunching chips in their mouth and turned to see Niall eating my chips I bought with the money I earned from working at Nando's.

"Thank you!"

"You're so innocent." Louis commented.

"Except for that singing. You murdered that song. I think my eardrums are torn." Niall said. Harry grinned cheekily.

"Punny. And that wasn't me singing. That was the ghost that lives in the cupboard."

"Ghost?" Niall said, looking a little scared.

"Yeah, we actually keep those crisps you're eating in there to keep her from escaping and haunting us." he gulped and looked a little pale. That's right, nobody eats my chips. Even if it is the most adorable Irish boy on the planet.

Liam smiled slightly and rolled his eyes. "Face it Bianca, you were singing notes that haven't even been invented."

I scowled at him. "It's a good thing you're pretty," he laughed.

Zayn walked in the room then, his hair hanging down in his face. "You wouldn't happen to have any hair products would you?"

"In the cabinet above the sink. Kirsty has every kind of hair product that you have ever used. She also has all of the aftershaves you guys use."

He looked creeped out, but went back to the bathroom.

I looked at Louis. "When she goes to sleep, she sprays your aftershave on her pillow." his eyes got big and he sat back in his chair.

After the boys all had their hair fixed and were fully dressed *cough cough* Harry *cough cough,* we headed out to go back to their tour bus.


Hey guys! Sorry it took me so long to write this. Thank you all for reading! Comment and tell us what you think!


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