Chapter 20 Have Some Decency

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Chapter 20

Once I had woken up the boys and securely locked myself in the bathroom for both privacy and defenses against Niall, just in case he decided that stealing his bacon was punishable by death, I tried to make myself look presentable.

I jumped in the shower and tried to clean off quickly. When I was done I pulled a brush through my curls and brushed my teeth. I left the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

"Nobody look! I'm naked!" I yelled as I made my way past the living room.

"Took you long enough in there!" Harry called.

"You don't just wake up looking this perfect!" I replied.

"Because that's what we would all refer to the way you look." Louis said.

"Shut up!" I yelled back, because I'm so very good at comebacks.

I dug through my clothes and finally found a decent outfit for today. It was going to be a typically cloudy day, but I was hoping the rain would hold off. I settled on a cute summery dress and some normal shoes. I let my hair dry into it's usual curls.

When I emerged from the room, Liam looked me up and down.

"Why are you dressed up all nice and stuff?" he asked.

"I have a date, and you guys have to come with me." I replied.

"Gross!" Niall yelled.

I glared at him. "What do you mean, gross?" I demanded.

"He means we don't want to have to sit next to you and Oliver, being all lovey dovey and awkward together." Zayn answered.

"It'll be fun! You guys have to go!" I said.

"I don't want to have to watch your failed attempts at flirting!" Niall said.

"That's mean, Nialler." I said.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so mean if you wouldn't have stolen my bacon this morning." he retorted. I rolled my eyes.

"It's just bacon." I started, until he held up a hand to silence me.

"Do not even go there." he said dramatically.

"You guys have to get ready to leave! We meet Oliver at the movies at two!"

"Are we going to have to watch a sappy chick flick with you guys?" Louis whined.

"No, you can see a different movie."

"Why do we even have to go?" Harry complained.

"Because Oliver invited you and it's rude to just say no!" I told him.

"Why did Oliver ask us out on a date with both of you guys?" Liam asked.

"He likes you! If you're not ready in an hour, I'm going to drag you down to the lobby by your hair." I told then all.

That was met with a series of groans and complaints. They scurried off to get ready. An hour later they were ready and we made our way to the lobby to meet Oliver. He was going to pick us up.

I led the boys outside to Oliver's car. He got out and greeted us.

"Hello, Bianca!" he said as he hugged me. He greeted each of the boys with a hug too. They awkwardly hugged back, even though they looked uncomfortable. I was kind of surprised he hugged them considering they threatened him the other day.

"Let's get going." I said. We piled into the car, with Oliver and I in front, Louis and Harry in the middle and Zayn, Liam, and Niall in the very back.

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