O: Depends...

A: We have a project for school.. and I was wondering if you could possibly help us out?

O: Us?

A: Oh yeah.. would it also be okay if two of my friends are... around, during the week? Its a group project.

O: I'm not promising anything as far as helping.. but they can be "around" as long as their parents consent, and you guys are getting work done.

A: Promise!

"Its hard to believe, that one day this'll be OJ." Lydia sighed.

"And soon after, the triplets." I added.

That afternoon, Aaliyah brought her friends Río and Nirvana over.

"Thanks so much for helping us out." Río shook my hand.

"It's just- an honor to meet you." Nirvana gawked.

"No problem." I smiled, "So what exactly are you working on?"

"We're studying activism, so our project is to take a form of activism.. and emulate it." Nirvana explained.

"We were assigned our forms of activism as well as the topic." Río added.

"So what'd you get stuck with?"

"Fashion and gender equality." Liyah smirked.

"slash.. women's rights" Nirvana chimed.

"How long do you have?"

"3 and a half weeks" Río replied.

"thats plenty of time." I decided, "What time do you plan on leaving here? And do you both have a ride home?"

"Uh.. is like 7 or 8ish okay?" Liyah asked.

"If thats fine with your parents.. you can stay as long as you need." I assured them. "You guys can go in the basement, theres snacks and drinks down there that you are free to. Don't get too distracted by the TV and games etc.."

"We won't" Río promised.

"Dinner should be ready between 5 and 6. You guys have any allergies or foods you completely hate?" I asked.

"Im allergic to shellfish" Nirvana cleared her throat.

"I don't like gravy.." Río admitted shyly.

"Fair enough." I shrugged before leaving.

Aubrey had already started feeding the triplets by the time I got to the nursery.

"Alright, Liyah and her friends are settled." I filled him in. "Which of these guys still needs to eat?"

"Both of them." he nodded over to Allison and Liam's cribs. "Thanks for helping Liyah out by the way."

"We're all a family now.. its no big deal." I assured him.

"Are you gonna breastfeed them?" he asked as I took Liam out of the crib.

"Actually, yeah." I decided, "I haven't drank in a few days."

"Why don't you try doing both at the same time?" he suggested.

"I just- don't think I'm ready for that.."

"Then what better time to try than when I'm right here?" he coaxed.

"Why not just do one at a time?"

"Its good for them to learn that they can spend time with you without having your full attention. It teaches them to share your attention with each other." he explained.

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