Yandere!707 (Mystic Messenger) -I'll Keep Falling For You

Start from the beginning

Maybe it wouldn't be so  bad, helping out this bunch, and it wasn't like I really had anything  that needed to be done. No work I would miss since I'd lost my job the  other day, no family waiting at home for me to come back since I was  living on my own, not even a pet that I needed to feed. I'd already  texted dad about the job situation and he said he'd help keep the bills  paid until I had a new job. Between him and what I already had in  savings, I was set for at least another couple of months if things  didn't turn around by then.

After all of this was  over, maybe I could even try asking if any of these people knew of a  place that was hiring. I mean, the worst that could happen was them  saying no, right?


Looking down at my new background screen, I had to agree with Seven. Jumin's cat was adorable!

Even if I thought that  some of the stuff Seven said he did was a bit overboard, I could  understand why he wanted to play with the fancy looking feline. Her fur  almost begged to be petted, her paws caught and played with gently until  she finally grew tired of it and her tail almost had me itching to see  if it was even half as soft as it looked.


Laughing to myself, I  played along with Seven's little game in the chatroom, almost spitting  out my drink when he admitted so easily to hacking into my info. Was he  really that good?! I wonder if he could- Oh! What was this? Was that  really a picture of Rika? She's really pretty!

Wait! What? That was him?! Oh... Wow.. Seven looks pretty good in- No! No no no! I was not going to start comparing myself to a guy wearing a dress, no matter how good he looked in it!

Ah well, it was still kinda funny to see him dressed up like that and he's said some interesting things. Smiling down at the screen, I began typing.

'Thank you for telling me all these things.'


Ugh, I was going to become sleep deprived at this rate. But getting to join in on Seven's jokes like that was totally worth it.

Haha, the 606 joke in  the middle of the night was good. Who would have thought studying all  the "useless information" that caught my eye, such as binary numbers,  would actually come in handy?

But afterward, I'd  actually gotten a lead on a couple of groups to invite to the party.  Ahh, I couldn't wait to find out more about this cat protection group  Jumin had mentioned! How wonderful to be able to help the homeless cats  like that! I wonder what kind of people they were...

I just hoped the allergy people could figure something out for Zen. There had to be something that would help, right?


I was actually in the  middle of making my own lunch when I entered the new chatroom that  opened up. The picture that Yoosung shared almost broke my heart and I  couldn't help but comment how poor the side dishes looked. It was enough  to make me feel guilty about the stir-fry sizzling away in the pan as I  gave it a stir, trying to avoid burning it as I kept an eye on the  chatroom.

What? Jaehee gets paid pretty well, huh? I have to admit, I'm a little envious. I wonder if Jumin is hiring... Ugh, stop it! You have other things to focus on right now! You can ask later! Giving  myself a shake, I focused back on the conversation some as I turned off  the stove, moving the pan to a cool burner before scooping the food  into a bowl.

'So Seven works for RFA and as a hacker too.'

I have to admit, that  kind of job suited him if he was as good as he seemed. I took a small  bite of the fried rice before carefully choosing what to say next. I  didn't want to cause any bad feelings, after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2018 ⏰

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