Prince Soma - Getting To Know You

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Tripping over my own feet as I hurried down the sidewalk, I was ready to feel the hard ground meeting my face. Instead, I ended up feeling someones warm arms catch me and steady me on my feet again. Looking up at the person those arms lead to, I quickly blushed and hid my face with my hair when I met with bright golden eyes.

"T-thank you for c-catching me!" I stammered out, embarrassed at having almost fallen in front of this man, and would have if he had not caught me.

"Agni would be upset with me if I allowed a young lady to fall when it would be just as easy to catch her." Following his gaze to the sidewalk nearby, I noticed another exotic looking man, his white hair and dark skin standing out in the crowd of pale-skinned English men and women filling the streets.

"Still, you have my thanks, young lord." I curtsied low, able to tell by the fine clothing he wore that he was of a much higher social class than myself.

"Actually, I'm a prince. I am Prince Soma and he is my friend and servant, Agni." He gave a slightly snobbish grin, his friend walking over to see what was happening.

"Is everything ok, my prince?" His deep voice was filled with kindness and concern for the purple-haired young man.

"Yes, everything is fine. I was simply keeping this girl from falling. Are you not proud of me?" The way he seemed to be looking for a pat on the back from his friend had me shocked.

Brushing my hair out of my face, I took a step back from the young man, ignoring the mild blush that began to grow on his cheeks. It was quickly stopped by the words that followed.

"Are you sure you helped me out of kindness and not just to seek a reward for your deeds, verbal or otherwise? If you are just going to look for a pat on the back and a 'nice job', then next time I would rather you let me fall." Frowning at the supposed prince, I turned and began walking away, ignoring the curious look I got from the older of the two.

"Hey, wait! Why are you so upset with me?" The golden-eyed young man reached out to grab my arm, turning me around to face him.

"Why do you even care? Surely it is enough to have the approval of your friend without needing to seek it from me as well." I pulled my arm out of his hand, ignoring the shocked look on his face.

Walking off again, I was soon out of sight of the two men who were left standing in the middle of the road, eyes wide with shock.


Over the next few weeks, I ran into the prince many times. Each time, we would exchange a few words, usually him trying to get me to explain why I had gotten so upset during that first meeting and me telling him if I had to explain it, then the lesson would have less meaning. Each time, he would be left looking confused for a while before a thoughtful look would cross his face.

At one point, I went days longer than usual without seeing him and had to admit to myself I was worried about his health. When he finally showed up, his friend Agni at his side, I ran up to him and began asking if he had been stuck at home ill.

Seeing his golden eyes light up with happiness at my concern, while explaining that he had simply been busy seeing to a visiting friend, I felt my face heat up slightly from the blush that darkened my (s/c) cheeks.

After assuring myself he was healthy, I was ready to turn and leave when I saw the look Agni was giving him and knew that he was not telling me everything.

"Are you sure that you are well?" Reaching a hand up to his forehead, I checked for signs of fever.

"I'm f-fine!" He stammered, his face hot under my hand as his cheeks turned dark.

"If you insist then, but I would like to know your address if you don't mind." I pulled my hand back to my side, turning slightly to hide my own blushing cheeks behind my (h/c) hair.

"Why do you want to know my address?" He asked, suspicion filling his voice.

"So I know where to bring the soup of course! Mother always told me soup was the fastest way to help someone feel better." I smiled brightly at him, giggling slightly as I watched the blush spread across his face from ear to ear.

For the first time since meeting him, I realized just how cute the handsome boy could be. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, getting to know him better, if I could get him to blush like this more often.

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