2k special - Yandere!Toma (Amnesia) - Being Needed

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As thanks for 2000+ reads, I give you the present of Yandere!Toma being 4,800 words long! I hope this is an acceptable gift to you all! Enjoy!

I waited in the darkened room, my eyes wide as I tried to take in every bit of light available, from the smallest flicker of light peeking under the door to the faint sunlight trying to make its way through the heavy curtains of the window. The soft smell of laundry soap came from the pillows and blankets that surrounded my trembling form, almost hiding me from view as I pulled my head back under the rumpled sheets of the bed.

The feeling of eyes watching me was a constant thing, making my skin crawl as I could feel those eyes raking over my body. I could almost sense the malevolence of whatever it was waiting for me, the only questions were where it was hiding and what it wanted from me.

It was the sound of a distant door opening and closing that snapped me awake from the strange dream. Opening my eyes for real this time, I looked around my bedroom, seeing the sunlight pouring in through the window, tiny particles of dust floating through the beams of light as they seemed to almost sparkle as they moved.

The difference between my dreams and my reality were astoundingly immense. The only thing that remained the same from one to the other was the comforting smell of the clean sheets surrounding me. That and once in a while I would still get that feeling like something was watching me, but during the light of day it was a very easy thing to ignore.

I mean, we all get that feeling of being watched from time to time, right?


"The parfait is exceptionally good today, Toma. Thank you for making it!" I smiled happily as I took another bite, nodding to the blonde young man as he smiled back before turning and walking to another table.

It was later, as I was taking the last bite of the parfait, that I felt again like I was being watched. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, feeling a faint dread rise up in my chest. I couldn't help the small scream I let out when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey (y/n), are you okay? You seem a little tense over here." Opening my eyes at the concern I could hear in his gentle voice, I looked up into warm orange eyes.

"I'm okay Toma, thank you. I've just been feeling a little jumpy lately. Guess I haven't been getting enough sleep at night, ya know?" Laughing weakly, I tried to smile up at the man I'd befriended during the frequent visits to the cafe he worked at.

"Hmm.. Wait here, I'll be right back. I don't want you walking home alone when you are feeling like this. I'd end up worrying and unable to work." The soft smile he flashed my way made my heart warm, a real smile appearing on my face as I watched him walk over to his boss.

After a quick conversation between the two, Toma hurried into the back room, reappearing a few minutes later with his jacket on and in his regular clothing. Flashing him a worried look, I waited for him to return to my table.

"Toma, why did you get changed? Don't you need to come back to work afterwards? It would be easier if you had just worn your jacket over your work clothing. Or was Waka worried you would get the clothing messy, is that it?" I watched in confusion as he began laughing softly at me, a kind smile on his face as he messed up my hair.

"He said I could take the rest of the day off, since I didn't have too much more of my shift today left anyhow. He agreed that making sure you were taken care of was more important, so lets get going so I can take care of our favorite customer." Blushing, I turned my head away from him and stood up, grabbing my own coat from the back of the chair.

"Thanks Toma. It means a lot to me, having a friend as good as you to look out for me. I really don't know what I would do without you!" I quickly pulled him into a hug, happy to know that even though I lived so far from my family, I still had people nearby that cared about me.

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