Yandere!Ciel (Black Butler) - Feline Persuasion

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I waited in the entry room, Sebastian having insisted that he could make this agreement work with his employer, the young Lord Phantomhive. Myself, I was a little less sure of things. Wasn't he supposed to be allergic to cats? I was sure he would not want his butler to be visiting my home and taking care of them while I was unable to do so. It was a horrid time to be dealing with a broken arm, what with the kittens having been born just recently.

If the young Lord agreed though, it would be a blessing to have someone I knew already to be the one taking care of them. Especially with the felines already comfortable around Sebastian, since he came to visit them so often. At first I had been a bit leery of having a strange man, even one so nicely dressed, coming around so much just to play with and pet the cats, but they seemed happy enough for the extra attention when I was too busy cleaning or filling out paperwork.

Over time, I had grown used to his random appearances around the small estate where I bred and raised the cats. He would show up at strange times and stay for a while, before vanishing again into seeming thin air. The first few times had left me shocked, almost afraid of his return, but by the 5th time he had come to visit I had already gotten used to his coming and going so quickly and quietly. Besides, the cats seemed to like his visits, so who was I to complain.

Hearing footsteps coming down the hallway, I stood up and got ready to greet him. Although I was hoping for good news, I was still expecting him to decline allowing his butler to assist me. Turning to the open doorway, I could hear mumbled arguing and felt my hopes sink. Hiding the frown on my face quickly, I gave the entering young Lord a smile instead, still thankful that at least Sebastian had tried.

"I'm sorry for bothering you, Lord Phantomhive. I understand that it would be an inconvenience to loose the use of your butler, so please forget it was even brought up. Sorry to have taken up your time." Giving a low curtsy to the young Lord, awkward thought it was with one arm in a sling, I gave a smile of thanks to Sebastian as I got ready to leave the Manor.

I was too busy lifting my small bag onto my good arm to notice the faint blush spread across the 16 year old Lord's face, nor the widening of his one revealed vivid blue eye. That did not stop the small smirk from growing upon the lips of his more observant butler.

"Who said I was going to decline? I can't let you strain yourself, trying to take care of those... felines... when your arm is broken and in a sling. Until you are healed, Sebastian shall attend to your cats while you rest and allow yourself to recover." There was a strange mix of disgust and concern in his voice, but I guess I could understand him not caring much for a creature that he was allergic to, even if it was one as adorable as a cat.

"Thank you! I appreciate you lending me the assistance of your butler! Sebastian will be a great help with the kittens while my arm recovers enough to take care of them myself! Thank you Lord Phantomhive!" I was too busy smiling at the two gentlemen before me to notice the slight frown he gave at hearing me talk so familiarly about his butler, his frown growing when he noticed for the first time that hearing him called by his title made him feel just a bit more distant than he wanted to be from the (h/c)-haired young lady in front of him.

"Please,  feel free to call upon me and my servants should you need anything else, anything at all." I couldn't help but widen my (e/c) eyes at hearing his words, but I was not about to decline and risk upsetting the young Lord.

Confused slightly, I still managed to give him a thankful smile, my eyes closing for a moment at the happy thought of all my cats being taken care of while I reduced my workload to what I could safely managed with a broken arm.

"Thank you, Lord Phantomhive. I appreciate your assistance in my time of need. I'm not sure how I would manage this without your help. Thank you." Again that cold feeling in his chest at hearing the title instead of his name, but I couldn't tell with how well he hid it behind that calm mask he wore.

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