Makoto (Free!) - Another Chance

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I know I am late in saying this, but thank you all for the 5000 reads this book has received! I am really blessed to have such wonderful readers as all of you and I hope you all realize how much I appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart, all the way to the top, thank you!!!

As for this oneshot, it is a rewrite of my Sousuke angst oneshot with an alternate ending for to all enjoy. The beginning has a few changes and then continues into the alternate story. I hope you like it!

I was desperate to understand, but I really couldn't wrap my head around what I had just heard from the dark-haired young man that stood in front of me. Maybe it was just a bad dream. That would explain what was happening. It had to be a bad dream, and I was bound to wake up any moment now, right? Any moment now... Please wake up (y/n)... Please don't let it end like this...

"I'm sorry, but I just think we've gone as far as we can in our relationship. I'm sure you understand. Neither one of us is happy anymore right? After all, it's not like we've even been seeing much of each other lately. I think it's best if we both just move on, find someone else who can make us happy again, like we used to do for each other before we drifted apart. I'll come by tomorrow while you're at work and get my stuff so we won't have to see each other again. I'll be spending the night at Rin's place, so I won't bother you any more tonight. Bye (y/n)." With those words, he turned around and walked out the door, leaving me behind as my world came crashing down around me.

Didn't he understand? I'd been putting all those extra hours in for him, not because I didn't want to be around him anymore. I'd wanted to surprise him for our three year anniversary. It was the longest I had been in a steady relationship before and I wanted him to know how special he was to me, sticking with me for so long even though we didn't get to spend as much time together as we both had wanted. But then again, maybe it was just me who had been feeling that way all this time?

Walking into the kitchen, I slid the top drawer open and pulled out the envelope, opening it to look down at the tickets I had gotten. He'd always wanted to go on a trip and I'd wanted to make at least that one dream of his come true, saving up several hundred dollars to buy us each a round trip ticket to visit the distant hotsprings he was always talking about.

It would have been a whole weekend together, just the two of us. It would have been a chance for his shoulder to get some extra recovery after the strain he'd put on it in high school. Did he think I'd not noticed how much it had been bothering him the past few months, as the weather began to get cooler? Or did he think I didn't really care? Did he think so little of me, while to me he was the center of my world?

Giving a broken laugh as I clutched the tickets in my hand, I walked out to the balcony and saw him exiting the building below me. Without a sound, I raised my hand and let go. Of the tickets, of my love for him and of my future at his side. The only words I spoke that night were a softly whispered "Goodbye Sousuke. I'd truly loved you."

I walked back inside without even bothering to look down at the shocked expression on his face as understanding began to dawn painfully upon him. Crumpled tickets in hand, he slowly made his way to the car that was awaiting him.


It took a while before I was able to recover from the heartache I'd felt, over a week before I could return to work without looking haggard, nearly a month before I could give a smile that wasn't at least half faked. At the end of the third month, I was asked to meet with a possible new client for lunch.

Stepping into the quiet restaurant, I gave my name and was escorted to a table near the back of the candle-lit room. As I was early, I sat down at the still empty table and began pulling the paperwork I would be going over with the young man I was set to meet today. From the profile I'd read on him, it should be quite simple to get things started here and figure out what he was looking for from our company.

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