Yandere!Erwin (Attack on Titan) - Anything for You

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I stood quietly in the background as reports were quietly made,  everyone subdued as those in the camp prepared to leave for the return  trip to HQ. It had been a hard blow to the troop and I didn't envy our  team leader having to face the new Commander with the news that was  being relayed to her when we met them on the way back, our squad having  broken off from the rest to perform routine reconnaissance. The losses  had been devastating for everyone.

I hid the wince as yet another scout came in and reported additional  losses, both of men and of supplies, horses having run off or been  killed and carts that were crushed beneath the titan's feet. It was  looking more and more grim with every person who opened their mouth.

Sometimes it sucked to always be the one put on watch so close to the  team leader, being one of the select few to hear all the incoming news.  Some days I would rather be one of the ignorant many who only heard  what was deemed necessary for them to be told so they could do their  jobs.


Even after everything that had happened, nobody had expected to be  ambushed so close to meeting up with the main group. The fight was over  before it even began, the few survivors being the only ones able to flee  before they were snatched up and eaten or those who were able to be  saved when the titan was killed before they were able to do more than  take a bite of them.

Sadly, the ones doing the saving died in the attempt more often than  not, with the one they were trying to save often following behind. Very  few were successful with how many titans were surrounding them on all  sides.


Out of the entire team, only five soldiers made it back to the main  squad with only minor injuries, with two more soldiers being carried  with them on horseback, both severely injured. Our team leader had been  killed trying to save those she was in charge of, managing to save only  one victim with any success, the rest being grabbed up again as soon as  they escaped the previous titan. That or dying of blood loss before they  had managed to get to the tree line and potential safety.

Taking only enough time to ensure none of them would bleed to death,  the new Commander had the troops hurrying back to HQ before any more  titans showed up.


I opened my eyes to darkness, the smell of antiseptic and blood  mixing in a nauseating fashion. Blinking a few times, my eyes finally  adjusted enough to see part of the room around me, the faint outline of  beds and cabinets on each side of me. As I shifted to try and sit up, I  felt pain roar to life as the bandages wrapped around my leg shifted  against the bed sheets. Looking down, I watched as the crisp white  blankets slowly blossomed with red as the blood ran from the reopened  wounds.

"You should have still been asleep with the amount of medicine you  were given. Hmm, I'll have to make an adjustment to the dosage if you're  going to burn through it this fast." The soft voice of a young man  carried through the room quietly, my head turning to the left before  spotting him almost hidden in the shadows on the far side of the room.

"What happened? Where is everyone else? How did we get back to  headquarters?" The questions began spilling from my lips as fast as they  popped into my head, my heartbeat growing faster with each one as I  realized just how little I could remember after seeing the first titan  coming out of the tree line.

"I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. The majority of your  teammates are dead. You are one of only seven survivors and your team  leader was not one of them. Sadly, this means all the information from  any survey reports is also lost, something that doesn't sit very well  with the new Commander." I listened to his soothing voice as he walked  closer, slowly coming out of the shadows to reveal a rather handsome  looking man with dark eyes and short, black hair.

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