Kenma - Gaining Some Character

646 21 12

You sat at your desk, messing around on your (f/c) phone as you waited for class to begin. The sounds from your phone, although quiet, caught the ear of a passing student, causing him to freeze for a moment as he quickly glanced into the room. Upon seeing you sit there, your (s/c) fingers moving rapidly as your (e/c) eyes stared intently at the screen, he turned away again and hurried towards his classroom as a faint pink tinted the tips of his ears.

It was only a few minutes later that you saved your place in the game and put your phone away just in time for the bell to ring, signaling the beginning of classes for the day.


During lunch you brought your phone out again, loading your saved game as you slowly began taking bites of food from your bento between battles. Your (e/c) eyes never left the screen, not even when you heard a bunch of girls squeal as they stared out the windows at the volleyball players they saw below.

Once again you saved your game, put the phone away and packed up your now empty bento just moments before the bell rang.


As soon as the last bell rang, you pulled out your phone yet again to begin playing the game, only to frown when you noticed the battery had died. Sighing, you stood up and quickly walked to your locker, eager to grab the charger you kept stored for times like this.

The downside of playing the games you liked on your phone was the heavy drain they put on the battery, but as long as you had your charger it didn't bother you. You would rather stay late charging your phone at school, than walk home without being able to play your games.


Finally seeing the battery meter read full on your phone, you unplugged it and walked out of the library were you had been reading a gaming magazine while you waited, ready to return the charger to your locker and head home. At least now you would be able to try and find one of the several hidden characters you had been searching for in the game these past few days.

You turned your phone on, loaded your game save and began walking slowly out of the school and towards the gates as you slowly immersed yourself in the sights and sounds coming from your phone.

If you had simply looked up as you passed the gym, you would have seen a pair of golden eyes following you from the open doorway.


By the end of your third week of playing the game, you had found found all but one of the hidden characters in the game, the last one remaining elusive to all your efforts. You were almost ready to start pulling your (h/c) hair in frustration when you heard a quiet cough from the side.

Looking up from the screen, you saw the mostly blonde pudding-like hair of Kenma, a boy you recognized mostly because he seemed to spend as much time playing games at school as you, if not more.

The two of you spent the next few minutes trying unsuccessfully to meet each others eyes, finally managing to at least look somewhat to the side of each others faces. You were always the first to admit that you weren't the most outgoing of people. Usually to yourself since you never really talked to anyone outside of your family.

"A-ano.... D-did you n-need something, K-Kenma-kun?" Even you could barely make our your quiet voice, blushing softly at the stutter you always fought when you tried talking to anyone not part of your family.

Instead of saying anything, he held out his hand towards my phone, his eyes looking to the side as a blush spread across his cheeks. Curious at what he would do, you saved your game quickly before handing him the device, watching as his fingers began dancing across the screen.

You spent the next 15 minutes watching him move the characters from location to location, interacting with specific npcs and trading objects back and forth until finally taking the last item into the forest, the finally character appearing as soon as he placed it on a hidden pedestal. Your (e/c) eyes widened as you began jumping up and down, your (s/c) hands on Kenma's shoulders.

"Oh my gosh! You found him, you really found him! Thank you so much! How did you know where he was?!" You were almost screaming in happiness and excitement at the thought of everything you would be able to do now in the game, since this character was necessary to get into special locked places in the game. You didn't even notice the blush that had been on his face this whole time grow even darker, your (e/c) eyes caught on the brightly glowing screen of your phone.

"Found him last night." He quietly mumbled those four words before handing back your phone and turning away. It was only then that you finally looked up, saving the game before racing towards him as he slowly walked through the open gym doors.

"T-tomorrow! L-let's have lunch together!" You grabbed his shoulder, turning him towards you before bowing low and hoping he would say yes. You could almost feel the tension in the air as the gym grew silent. It was only then that you realized there were others inside the room and squeezed your eyes shut as your (s/c) face grew red from embarrassment.

"S-sure." You stood up straight at the quiet answer he gave, your (e/c) eyes wide as you felt a small smile pull the corner your lips up. Giving him a quick hug and a mumbled goodbye, you rushed outside and began walking home, for once unable to concentrate on playing your game as you wondered if you should bring an extra bento for lunch tomorrow. Just in case.


Back inside the gym, a golden eyed boy was doing his best to ignore the tall bedhead beside him as he wondered what other games the (e/c) eyed girl played.

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