Laxus (Fairy Tail) - Time Lost

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This is a very overdue oneshot requested by the amazing and fabulous yetyoibabe, who writes some amazing stories. Please check this author out if you don't already read her works! Thanks Babe for requesting Laxus from me!!! I hope this meets your expectations!

I'd met him while he was wandering the countryside. I'm not really sure what had made me want to start following him around. Maybe it was the feeling that I could trust him or it could have been the hint of sadness and loneliness that I caught when I looked in his eyes. I'd just seen him as he walked down the path through the overgrown fields that had once belonged to my parents, the sun shining brightly as I watched him from my lonely vantage point in one of the sporadic trees he would be passing soon.

I'd been fascinated by the strange devices he'd worn on his ears, the spikes sticking out from them only adding to my curiosity. It was only when he stopped just beyond the reaching branches of my tree and stared up at me that I realized how deep I had been lost in my wondering. I had failed to hide myself from his sight and I'd only been able to hope that he meant no harm, unlike some travelers in these parts.

My luck had been even better than I could have hoped for that day, finding not only a kind stranger in him, but a potential friend. And so I left my only home, leaving my older brother behind, not that he seemed to mind one less mouth to feed. We hadn't been getting along anyhow, him wanting to sell the land and me wanting to stay, but now I felt that maybe leaving wasn't so bad after all.

With a bag half full of food and a handful of coins, I got on the road and began a journey that would change my life forever. Even if my new friend hadn't asked for a companion, I was dead set on following the first person in years to make me feel like I wasn't a burden to this world.

Besides, I just had to find out what those things on his ears were for!


It was so painful, seeing the empty water where once stood the island my friend had gone to in such haste when he'd felt the call. I'd stuck with him for as long as I could, but there was no keeping up with someone so much stronger and faster than I, so he'd told me to go to the inn and wait for him.

And wait I had, for day after day. Finally, after a week had passed without sight nor sound of Laxus, I had begun traveling again in search of him. I'd hit town after town until finding one where I heard word of what had happened, my knees buckling underneath me as I felt despair envelope me.

It had taken a bit but I had finally gotten myself onto a ship with the group of people searching for any trace of them, my heart sinking further as we got closer to where the island was supposed to be.

After spending too much time staring blankly at the place that should have been filled with land and trees and the people we were looking for, I turned away and headed below deck, unable to look any longer at the place I felt Laxus should have been waving to me from.

I missed seeing his smiles when something turned out right, hearing his voice when we talked about what we would be doing next and seeing how his eyes lit up when I learned a new spell. He might not have liked it at first when I started following him but we had quickly grown to enjoy each others company, forming a fast and strong friendship during our travels.

I missed my friend and there was nothing I could do right now to get him back. After all, I was still just a kid in the eyes of most people, no matter what I was able to do by myself after all the training he'd had me work on.


Years passed slowly as I learned how to live on my own, refusing to return to my brother and ask for his help. I joined a guild and went on missions, finding a nitch that I could fill in their group.

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