Mikasa Ackerman - Waiting For You

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Here you go Allen-senpai! I hope you like this one!

I sat in the small cafe, waiting for her to arrive. I had needed to work hard to get her to agree to meet with me here, but I knew it would be worth all the effort I had put in. After all, she was Mikasa Ackerman, one of the most amazing people I'd ever met.

I couldn't help but admire her for her skills, her loyalty and even her beauty. Who wouldn't after all? She was everything a woman could hope to be and more. And she was going to meet me here for lunch!

Shifting about on the uncomfortable wooden chair, I quickly turned my head to the door when I heard it open, hoping that it would be her. Sadly, it as just another person coming in for a cup of coffee while they read whatever paper they had brought with them.

Slouching down slightly in disappointment, I took a sip of the coffee I had ordered when I arrived earlier. I frowned at how much it had cooled over the passing minutes and looked down at my watch.

It was how nearly ten minutes past the time I had asked her to meet up with me and I was starting to wonder if she had changed her mind. It wasn't like me and her were that close, after all. Perhaps I was the only one hoping to change that for the better.

With her dark hair and eyes, her slim but toned body and her athletic abilities, it wasn't like she had a hard time making friends. And with Eren and Armin always around she would never have to worry about not having someone to talk to.

Perhaps one of them had asked her out instead. I really wouldn't blame her for saying yes if they had since they had all been friends since childhood. I was the newer face in the crowd that flocked to her side, just another college student hoping to catch the eye of one of the top athletes here.

I laughed quietly at myself for setting my sights so high. After all, what did I have to offer that over a dozen other people hadn't already offered before me? Most likely nothing that would ever be of interest to someone like her.

Seeing that another ten minutes had passed without her showing up, all while I contemplated my hopeless situation, I stood up and gathered the few belongings I had brought with me to pass the time as I'd waited.

I'd just opened the door to step out when a dark figure ran into me, breath gasping from having likely run a fair distance. Looking up from the ground I had fallen to, I saw the same dark eyes I had often stared into from across the one class we shared.

"Mikasa? I thought you changed your mind?" I slowly climbed back to my feet as she stood there, her eyes wide as she seemed almost frozen in place before giving a quick shake of her head.

"I'm sorry I couldn't call and tell you I was running late. Eren ran off with my phone and it was either keep chasing after him or come here and hope you hadn't left yet. I'm glad you were still here, (y/n). Thanks for staying." Taking a quick step forward, I was surprised to feel her arms wrap around me for a moment before she pulled back and gave me a smile.

"M-me too. I'm glad I stayed too." I wasn't sure what I was hoping for at this point, fighting the embarrassed blush that wanted to paint my cheeks red. Was I still hoping to become friends with her? Or had I started hoping for something just a bit more?

Pressing a hand to my chest in hopes of easing my suddenly racing heart, I smiled back at her and began leading the way back to the table I had been sitting at just a few minutes ago.

"I hope you're hungry, Mikasa. This place has some of the best fries in town!"

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