Hinata - Just The Cutest

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"Sho-kun! Wait for me!" I yelled, trying to catch up to the energetic boy running ahead of me.

"Nuh-uh! Run faster, (y/n)-chan!" Hinata's voice called back to me, his arms and legs pumping as he ran towards the gym.

I almost screamed when a tall, dark-haired boy suddenly appeared out of nowhere to run beside the orange-haired boy I was chasing after. Trying to catch the breath I had just lost, I stopped for a moment and just watched the two run ahead of me.

Shaking my head, I began smiling at the sight before taking off again, still unable to catch up to the running ball of sunshine but unwilling to fall any further behind than I already was. After all, everyone was always telling me to chase after my dreams, right?


"Eh? Who's this girl? Does the King have a fan now?" I felt confused as I heard the comment being made, looking up at the towering blonde before turning to look at the energetic boy beside me.

"Sho-kun? When did you become a king? I thought you wanted to become the Ace." Tilting my head to the side, I looked with wide (e/c) eyes at the now blushing boy.

"I am gonna be the Ace someday, (y/n)-chan! He's talking about Kageyama!" Sho-kun turned and pointed to the scowling boy who had been racing him earlier.

Blinking my (e/c) eyes a few times, I walked over to the dark haired Kageyama and looked up at him. I slowly walked around him in a circle before coming to a stop in front of him. Looking over at the blonde smirking titan, I gave him a confused look.

"Are you sure he's a king, Titan-kun? Because he just looks like a volleyball player to me." Rubbing the back of my head, I looked around at the now laughing boys standing off to the side.

"And what does a chibi like you know about volleyball?" The now angry looking blonde snickered at me, the freckled boy beside him looking slightly uncomfortable as he joined him.

"(y/n)-chan was on the girls volleyball team back in middle school! She started helping me practice after the tournament last year! She's really good and super nice!" The proud look on Sho-kun's face just made me blush that much more at his words.

"Sho-kun, you give me too much praise! You've gotten way better than me! You're spikes are like WOOSH! And then POW! It's amazing to watch you! Especially when you start making the ball go GWABOOM! I could never do that!" I flailed my arms about as I talked excitedly, trying hard to describe the amazing way that Sho-kun played volleyball.

"Ahh, (y/n)-chan! You're going to embarrass me, talking like that! Besides, even if I can spike, I'll never be able to receive like you! You're like Noya-senpai, all Gwoosh! Bam! And then Pow!" By the time he was done talking, his eyes were wide and he was practically jumping in place.

Blushing again, I looked around wide-eyed at the boys that had slowly gathered around us. A couple of the boys looked almost as energetic is Sho-kun did most days, running up to me before coming to a quick halt.

"Do you really play volleyball?! How long have you been playing?! What position do you play?! Are you and Hinata dating?! If not, what kind of guy do you like?!" The rapid-fire questions left me reeling for a moment before I finally processed them all, feeling my face turn red from the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"U-um... Yes I do. Since I entered middle school. Whatever the team needed me to play. Umm... Sho-kun is-" A shout from behind me interrupted me before I could finish answering the pink cheeked duo.

"(y/n)-chan is already taken! You can't have her!" Grabbing me by the arms, Sho-kun pulled me close and glared cutely at the wide-eyed pair of boys.

"Sho-kun and I are going out after practice today!" Turning, I smiled happily at the now grinning decoy as the sounds of bodies hitting the floor came from behind me.

"How did the shrimp manage to get a girlfriend?!" The blonde titan's surprised shout echoed loudly through the room.

"Huh? Well... Sho-kun is just really cute, you know? But I'm sure the other cute boy over there will catch someone's eye really soon! All the girls I know think freckles are really cute!" Smiling brightly, I pointed at the now blushing boy standing beside the towering blonde.

"What?! Does that mean you would prefer it if I had freckles like Yamaguchi?!" The frantic shouts of the orange-haired boy rang out through the room.

"Nope! That's how my teammates think! I prefer energetic balls of sunshine with cute smiles and really high jumps! In other words, I like you Sho-kun, just the way you are! You're the only one who makes my heart go doki-doki." Leaning forward slightly, I placed a gentle kiss on his cheek before moving to the bench, ready to watch their practice start.

I couldn't help giggling when I saw the cute boy I liked so much reach up a hand to touch his cheek, his face slowly growing more and more red before he suddenly jumped up with a loud shout. He really was just the cutest.

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