Yandere!Sesshomaru (InuYasha) - Timeless

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The sun was high above when as we all trailed slowly behind our History teacher, his hair shifting in the breeze to reveal the thinning hair his combover tried so unsuccessfully to hide. The snickers of some of the students around me had him tensing uneasily as he lifted a hand to pull the strands back into place. The rest of us just looked around, most barely interested in the shrine we were visiting today if I was to judge by the loud whispers about weekend plans and rumors being gossiped about. Not that I could blame them, what with the monotone voice of our teacher leeching any possible enjoyment from the lesson as he ignored any questions that might have added interest from his students.

I don't know why they bothered to take us on field trips if they weren't going to actually show us any of the interesting parts of the area. So far, the most exciting part of the whole thing was the shrine's old caretaker who somehow talked me into buying the small necklace he'd pulled out from a pile of trinkets. A small crystal had glinted enticingly as it dangled from the opposite end of the ribbon that a small glass orb was attached to and I hadn't really thought of what I was doing when I pulled out my wallet and paid him the price he'd rattled off, not even bothering to try to bargain with him as I watched the light play upon the facets of the shard of what I assumed was pink glass.

Hearing a few familiar giggles to the side of me, I turned my head and saw some of the girls from class peeking into what looked like it could be a shed, a couple boys with them seeming to give them more courage to poke around on their own. Seeing me looking towards them, one of them waved me over with a smile.

"Check out what we found, (y/n)!" She said as I cautiously drew near.

Driven by my own curiosity, I peeked inside the musty smelling building, eyes slowly adjusting to the dimness of the room inside until I could make out the shape of an old well in the middle of the floor. Strangely enough, the boards that must have once covered it appeared to have been moved to allow access. Stepping inside, the others following close behind, I peered down the empty shaft of the old well and frowned at the dark shadows that hid the bottom from sight.

Why would they leave an obviously dry well uncovered like this? Wasn't that dangerous? Weren't they worried some animal or small child could fall and get hurt?

"I dare someone to climb down and stand at the bottom, alone! For 3 minutes!" The girls shifted uneasily at the challenge one of the boys had given, the sound of his voice echoing down the well causing my own stomach to feel like it wanted to curl in on itself.

A few arguments over who would go down and a mild headache later, I found myself climbing down the rope we had tied to the nearest piece of solid wood we could find. It was only after getting halfway down that I felt the rope give way, suddenly going slack in my hands as I began to fall. Fear overwhelmed me so much that I didn't even notice the soft glow underneath me, my eyes clenching shut as I waited for the pain that would come when my legs broke at the end of my fall.

I'm not sure what shocked me more, the lack of pain when my feet touched bottom ever so gently or the sound of birds chirping from above, beyond the lip of the well.

It had taken me some time to get over the shock and climb out of the well, my eyes adjusting quickly to the sun as it glared down from above. Nothing could have prepared me for the near heart attack I had when I saw the meadow that surrounded me, huge trees towering above in the nearby forest as they reached their branches towards the sky. No matter what direction I looked, there was not a hint of ancient shrine nor city to be found other than the well itself.


Even now, several days later and miles away from the small village I had found that first day, I could feel my breath catching every time I realized I was in some world or time other than my own. It was almost like I was lost in a dream, especially when I found myself catching sight of the creatures villagers often called demons and monsters, some horrific to look upon while others were almost ethereal in their beauty.

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