AU Bad Boy!Ayato Kirishima - Delinquent Behavior

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I walked out of the school bathroom, tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear and taking the chance to make sure there was no lingering smell on my fingers. I smiled at a large group of students as they walked past on their way to classes. I giggled softly at how the boys in the group blushed and gave quick waves before turning and whispering to each other.

I wonder how many love letters would be in my shoe locker today. It was almost cute how many boys thought they knew me enough to confess their love in a letter.

Holding the bright smile on my face, I turned down the hallway and headed to the student council room around the corner. As president, I had a lot of work to do during my free period. After all, a lot of clubs were asking for extra funds for this years upcoming festival and it was my job to see what could be done about it. Maybe some kind of fundraiser event could help increase the budget.

With all the thoughts running through my head, I failed to notice the blue eyes that followed my path down the hall.

A hidden second year boy only stepped out from the empty classroom, cigarette in hand, after the (h/c)-haired girl turned the corner and vanished from sight. Curiosity filling his eyes, he thought back on what he had witnessed from her as he put the cigarette to his lips.

"I wonder what the role model's tryin' to hide."


There was so much to do to get the fundraiser approved and the students involved in the event. Sitting on an unused stairwell, I took one more drag on the cigarette that was resting between my fingers, before putting it out and tossing the butt over the side after checking to see if any students were lingering around.

Grabbing hand sanitizer from my pocket, I liberally applied it to my hands to hide the smell and headed back inside, ready to get back to the massive workload that awaited me in the council room.

As soon as the door closed behind me, a blue-haired boy stepped from the shadows beneath the stairs, a smirk growing upon his face as he picked up the fallen cigarette butt. Eying the hint of tinted lip balm were the girls mouth had touched repeatedly, he narrowed his eyes in thought.

"Well, well... Who would have thought." Putting the used butt in his pocket, he took a long drag on his own cigarette before tossing it to the side, not bothering to put it out as he turned to walk along the side of the building with a dark chuckle.

"I wonder what other secrets she's been keeping..."


The fundraiser had been a success, just as I had planned it would be. I hadn't worked so hard just to have it fail the students that counted on me, after all. That they had put so much trust in a second year student meant I had to work twice as hard to prove myself worthy of that trust.

Glancing around to make sure I was alone, I opened the door to the outer stairwell, checking quickly to make sure no students lingered nearby now that school was over. Seeing nobody around, I pulled out the nearly empty pack of cigarettes from my bag and lit it, inhaling the smoke as I could feel the stress leaving me.

Sitting down, I leaned back against the door, my legs straight out in front of me as I closed my eyes. My eyes snapped open moments later at the sound of someone taking a picture, looking up with wide eyes into the face of the school's so called Bad Boy, the blue-haired Ayato. Phone in hand, he turned it to show me the picture he had just taken of me, cigarette trapped between my lips as I took a drag.

"Well, well. Look what I've found. The school role model, sitting here smoking on the stairwell. But that's not all I've caught you doing, (y/n). I've been watching you and you are quite... delightfully naughty, if I do say so myself." His voice was far to happy for my liking.

As I watched, he began pressing buttons, scrolling through picture after picture of me misbehaving. Everything from smoking in various places to sneaking drinks at parties to dancing in clubs. Trying to grab the phone from his hands, I was stopped by his foot pressing against my stomach, his eyes narrowing at me.

"Ah ah ah, (y/n). If you don't behave, I might have to send a few of these to some friends of mine. And if they see them, everyone will see them. I'm pretty sure that would ruin more than just your image, since last I heard, underage drinking in those kinds of clubs was more than enough to get you kicked out of the school. As school president, you should know the rules well enough." The sinister smile never left his face as I looked up at him, feeling a shiver of dread run down my spine.

"What do you want, Ayato? Money? Funds for that club of yours? Help with your grades maybe? What do you want from me?" I spat the words at him, knowing that he wouldn't feel the least bit guilty if he choose to ruin my life.

"Oh no, nothing like that. I'd much rather have some fun with you. For someone who always seemed so stiff and proper, it was quite delightful to find out you have your own naughty side. And if makes me want to see just how naughty you can get!" With a loud laugh, he lifted his foot off my and pulled me up, grabbing my face.

"What do you mean?" I grabbed at his wrist, trying to pull his hand away from me.

"Show me how much of a bad girl you can be and I'll make sure nobody ever gets to see these pictures. Nobody but me, that is." Leaning down, he pressed his lips hard against mine, his other hand tangling into my hair as I struggled in his grasp.

Pushing against his chest, I turned my head away from him, feeling my hair pull as he scowled at me.

"Keep fighting and I might change my mind, (y/n)." He growled the threat at me, nearly snarling in anger.

"Maybe if you tried being a little gentler, I wouldn't fight you so much. But, really, are you sure you don't want me fighting you? After all, you seemed to be enjoying it, A-ya-to." I smirked up at the boy, smirking as he began laughing at my words.

"Oh, this is just too good! You're going to be far more fun to hang around than I even imagined!" Pulling me against his chest, he began nibbling at the side of my neck.

"Just remember, I have an image to keep. Try to not leave any visible marks, ok?"

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