Kageyama-Tsukishima - Frienemies

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Oneshot for @kuramochi who is one of my favorite requesters!

I watched as the tall blonde glared down at the dark haired setter, a scowl on his face as the other boy quickly turned and stormed off down the hallway. The students that had been watching slowly began wandering off to their classes, seemingly forgetting about the upset boy left standing by himself.

"Tsukishima-kun? Are you ok?" I asked softly as I walked up to him, wondering what today's fight had been about.

"Yeah. It's nothing to worry about. Just the King being himself, as usual." The quiet muttering reached my ears, his expression slowly going back to his usual sarcastic grin.

"You know he doesn't like it when you call him that..." I looked up at him, a small frown on my lips.

Although the tall boy still intimidated me slightly, even after spending so much time around him, I did my best to be friendly to him. Even if it meant sometimes saying things that made him act upset with me. I just had to stick through it until he got over it.

"All the more reason to call him King, don't you think (y/n)?" The smirk got bigger as he stared down at me.

Shaking my head at him, I turned and walked to my classroom, hoping that he wouldn't tease me too badly during lunch today. I'd avoid him, but that would just make things worse later on.

"You're such a pair of tsundere's." I muttered quietly to myself as I pulled out my notebook and opened to a blank page.


"I told you not to call me that!" I turned to once more see the two boys caught in an argument, this time with Hinata and Yamaguchi watching from the sidelines.

Walking over, I shuffled my feet a bit before turning to Yamaguchi.

"What happened, Yama-kun? Why are they fighting this time?" I mumbled softly, knowing he would hear me anyhow.

"I'm not really sure. Tsukki was texting on his phone when Kageyama came storming up and started yelling at him out of nowhere. I'm kinda lost myself about what started it all." His hand lifted to start rubbing the back of his head in confusion.

Looking closely at the two boys, I noticed a hint of pink on Kageyama's cheeks. Sighing, I took another step closer to the two boys.

"Tsukishima-kun, did you call him King again? I already told you earlier that he doesn't like it. Haven't you teased him enough today?" Looking up, I gently tugged on his sleeve as I frowned, wishing the boy wouldn't cause so much trouble with his teammates.

"Chibi-chan, I can't help it if he keeps coming back for more. Why stop when he's practically begging for it?" The smirk on his face as he patted me on the head made me wonder what I was getting myself into.

"You know, you should be careful how you say things, Tsukishima-kun. That could easily be taken the wrong way." Looking up into his face, I grinned at the hint of pink that appeared as the other boys began coughing loudly, their faces turning dark red.

"(y/n)-chan, if you want to keep getting to see Yamaguchi at lunch, you will never suggest such a thing again. He's the only thing keeping you safe right now." I flinched as I realized just how close I was to doom.

"I'm sorry Tsukishima-kun. I should have held back my words." Looking down at the floor with guilt, I knew I would be lucky if the blonde mid-blocker only teased me for a week after this.

"Leave her alone." I looked up quickly at the grumbling voice, seeing Kageyama glare intently at Tsukishima before turning and stomping off with his phone in his hand, Hinata bouncing beside him.

I watched as the dark-haired setter faltered for a moment, before glancing down at his phone and turning the corners of his lip up slightly, quickly continuing his march after typing a response. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tsukishima smirk and put his own phone away in his pocket before walking off the other direction, Yamaguchi following quickly behind him.

Left standing alone, my mouth open in wonder, I could only blink a few times and shake my head.

"Tsunderes make the weirdest frienemies..."

Diving Deep (requests closed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora