I blushed to myself as I turned around to look at him. His eyes glanced to me as I blushed and he did the same.
I turned back around in my seat and my smile faded slowly.

I'm never gonna be able to give him what he wants. I'm never gonna be able to be the girl that I was with Grayson with him.

The bell rang and I put the note into my backpack then leaving the classroom.

"What up." Grayson leaned off the lockers and caught up with me. I immediately started smiling, "hey!"

Ethan caught up to us walking on the other side of me.
"Wanna come over and watch movies with Ethan and I tonight? I'd rather not be out driving considering what happened a week ago." He chuckled.

How could he joke about that? That day was the worst day of my life and he got hurt? How is this funny to him.

"I guess." I shrugged kinda disappointed in his actions.
"How about we invite Claire, Maggie, Matt and Shay?" Grayson offered.

Ethan and I looked at each other then shrugged, "okay."


We all ran inside the house fighting for a spot on the couch. Claire, Matt, Grayson and I all got a spot on the couch while Maggie, Ethan and Shay were all stuck on the floor.

They got blankets to make a pallet to make it more comfortable. Their backs leaned on the sofa while they sat on the ground.

"I'll go make some popcorn." Grayson got up from his seat.
Maggie and I cuddled up in a blanket together while Matt scrolled for a movie.

"Lets watch the conjuring!" Matt clicked the remote and it started playing.

"No Matt I hate horror movies!" Maggie complained.
"Deal with it princess." He sarcastically winked at her.

"Who wants it!" Grayson held up three bowls of popcorn.
"Me!" Maggie and I yelled in sync. We looked at each other then laughed.

"Here you go." Grayson smiled hanging us a bowl. When his eyes landed on me, he winked.
Shit... I felt that.

He handed one down to Ethan, Shay and Maggie and took one for himself and Matt.

As the movie started, Claire leaned her head onto my shoulder as we shared a bowl of popcorn.

I looked over to Grayson who's hand his hand holding his head up. His lips were departed from each other as he zoned into the movie.

I smiled to myself then glancing back to the tv.
After a while I heard Claire groan quietly. "What?" I whispered to her.

"Do you not hear them?" She pointed her hand down to Maggie and Ethan.
I raised my eyebrow confused on what she was talking about.

"Every time there's a scary part they scream and then giggle. It's ruining the movie." She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

I aimed my eyes back forward switching from the TV to ethan and Maggie every now and then.

A jump scare came causing me to blink hard but I shook it off. I saw Maggie lean into Ethan and then they both started giggling.

I clinched my jaw getting irritated. She whispered something into his ear and he nodded then she giggled again.

I let out a sigh to blow off some steam and turned my head to Grayson but he was already looking at me. I felt my heart stop. Instead of looking away, he smiled not breaking eye contact.

I looked down blushing as I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and kept watching the movie.

Scare after scare the giggling would get louder and louder and for some reason it didn't seem to bother anyone else besides me.

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