Chapter 17

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I worked hard on it. I really do appreciate the reads. This is such an adventure to write, and I love it. SO, enjoy :) Xx May


Taylor and Ryan showed up that morning and we all celebrated, eating a morning birthday cake made out of pancakes. Then, I brushed my teeth and we headed out.

The day was well spent, and lots of people came up and said Happy Birthday. But my favorite part was when Taylor, Ryan and Max sang Happy Birthday to me over the intercom during morning announcements.

We ate lunch in our usual spot. It was a great day. After school I met up with Ryan and Tay, and we went clubbing. It's Friday and I intend to get wasted.

Yep, I'm bad! I know it.

“You look HOT!” Tay said when she and Ryan picked me up.

“Yeah, Mal, what's up with the outfit?” Ryan asked.

“Oh, nothing, just excited to bei EIGHTEEN!” I yelled.

They laughed. Oh well. I'm wearing a purple sequined dress and silver pumps. My hair's curled at the ends and I have a bump in my hair. My eyes are a smoky purple and black.

I look good, I think to myself. Why not go all out?

When we get to the club, my heart skips a beat. It's the same club that Niall and I shared our first kiss.

Taylor turns in her seat. “Mal, we can go somwhere else. I'm sorry, Ryan keep driving.” She said.

I shook my head. “No, it's fine Tay. I'm over him. We just need to have fun.” I said, smiling.

“Way to be strong, Mal.” Ryan said from the front seat.

“Yeah.” I said. We got out and entered the club.

I went straight to the dance floor. I was so ready to just let myself go. I started to sway my hips to the music, and soon enough a guy came along. He was pretty hot, and I decided to just go with it.

We grinded against each other as one of my new favorite songs came on, Where Have you Been by Rihanna.

As she belted out the lyrics, I danced harder, getting completely lost in thje words.

I realized that I wasn't on the dance floor anymore. The guy was backing me up, in a friendly way, to the wall. I willingly walked over with him. He pressed me up against the wall.

“I'm Joel.” He said.

“Malorie.” I said.

“Beautiful name.” He said, winking.

I blushed. “Thanks Joel.” I said, smiling.

“Can I kiss you?” He asked.

I nodded, and let his lips touch mine. Then, I heard a click go off. I looked up to see a- a reporter standing there, camera in hand.

“Go on!” He yelled.

I flipped him off and stormed away. Joel stayed by me, matching my pace.

“What was that?” He asked when we stopped by the bar.

“Oh nothing, it's just that my ex was kind of 'popular'.” I vaguely exlained.

He nodded. “So, Mal, are you as amazing as your kisses?” He asked.

I giggled. “I don't know. Want to find out?” I asked.

“Sure do. Let's get out of here.” He said.

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