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I cant believe it. Today is the day I'll face him. Him being Garret. Today is the day Garret will be proven guilty or innocent for well you know, rape.

I stand in the bathroom, placing the last bobbypins in my freshly curled hair. With a final swipe of gloss to my lips, I grab my purse and head out the door.

When I get to the car Hunter is already seated in the back, Daisy and Jake in the front. Hunter grabs my hand as I sit beside him and I buckle my belt, he soothingly rubs small circles in the palm of my hand with his thumb. He leans over to whisper in my ear, "Are you nervous?"

I nod my head yes. "I can tell. You're shaking." He says and I sigh, head falling onto his shoulder. "You'll be okay, I promise." He kisses my temple lightly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. The whole ride to the courthouse is silent except for the gunning of the engine.

We pull into a parking space and climb out. I am immediately overwhelmed with how many news reporters are there, camera flashes blinding me and microphones being forced into my face. I hold onto Hunter's hand for dear life as they swarm me with questions,

Is this a publicity stunt?

Did this young man really rape you or are you just trying to get attention?

Their words are loud in my ear. Rage and anger coursing through my veins. How could they say these such things? I want to scream at them and tell them they don't know what they're talking about. Then Hunter's voice is in my ear, "Don't listen to them. Ignore them." He squeezes my hand tightly and resumes tugging me through the massive crowd.

I do just that and soon we are at the entrance. The newsmen are forced back with the swing of the door followed by security guards. I clutch my coat tighter around me as we walk down the long corridor to a security check. They scan us all and soon we're seated in the court room.

"Order in the court." Declares the judge, hammering the gavel down.

The court quiets down. I hear doors open and slam shut and there he is walking down the small aisle to sit a couple feet away from me. He's dressed in a bright orange uniform, hands cuffed together and sat in his lap. His ankles are connected together also by a small chain.

He glares at me and I glare back, proving how fearless I was. No longer afraid to face the monster who almost took everything I had, away.

"Don't be afraid, Austyn. I won't let him hurt you again." Hunter murmurs in my ear, kissing my temple.

"I'm not afraid." I growl, breaking eye contact with Garret to glare at Hunter.

Murmurs break off into the audience and the judge has to slam his gavel again.

"Miss Leianne, please stand." The judge demands and I stand, brushing off my dress skirt and clasping my hands in front of me, "Yes, your honor?" My head is high as I speak. Clarity laced in my voice.

The judge eyes me closely before resuming his sentence, "I hereby that you were raped in the bathroom closet of Starbucks by Garret Carter. Am I right Miss Leianne?"

I take a deep breath before answering, "Yes, your honor."

"It is also stated here that you were supposedly meeting up with Mr. Carter after school at this Starbucks?"

"Yes, your honor."

"I reckon that Mr. Carter threatened to cut you with a knife if you disobeyed his demands. Is this also true?" The judge asks.

"Yes, your honor."

"Where's the evidence?"

The security officer steps forward, manila envelope in hand. He hands it over to the judge and speaks, "This is the knife that was found in Mr. Carter's pocket the day he was arrested. We scanned it for any DNA and traced it back to Miss Leianne."

The knife once stained crimson red with my blood, now sparkling clean and in the hands of the judge. The officer speaks again, "Miss Leianne also has a scar on her upper left thigh from Mr. Carter. Results showed that this was the very knife used to create the cut."

The judge pulls out the picture that the officers had taken the day after I turned Garrett in. He looks it over carefully before placing the items back in the manila envelope and sealing it shut. "Miss Leianne, you may sit. Mr. Carter, stand please."

I sit and Garret stands, a smug look plastered on his face. "Mr. Carter, Im not going to beat around the bushes. Im gonna come out and ask you this." He pauses, "Mr. Carter, did you rape Miss Leianne?"

Garret is silent for at least 5 minutes before he finally answers, "No, your honor. I did not rape Miss. Leianne." He sneers.

The judge stands and leaves with the defendants.

My fists clutch at my sides. He's such a liar. I can't believe it. He knew exactly what he did to me that night he asked me out to Starbucks. Tears threaten to spill as I reminisce the horrible events.

Murmurs stir up again and Hunter reaches for my hand, intertwining our fingers. He places a kiss to my temple, having no word to say. Nothing or no one could comfort me right now. Not even Hunter.

The doors reopen again and the judge walks in. All talking in the court room is depleted, everyone anxious to hear the results.

The judge sits and straightens out his black and white robe. He clears his throat, "Mr. Carter has been proven guilty and will serve up to 8 years in prison for attempted murder and rape."

The crowd roars and I jump up, tears springing from my eyes. Hunter is up as quickly as I am and he automatically pulls me in.

I clutch to him, balling my eyes out into his freshly ironed suit. And as I stand there wrapped up in Hunter's strong arms I feel safe and protected. The first time I've felt this way in a while. I pull away to hug Daisy and Jake, watching over their shoulders as Garrett is hauled away. I am quick to catch on to the movement of Garrett's lips.

This is not over.

He mouths.


Yes, Heal The Scars is coming to an end :(

This has been an amazing journey and I've met some awesome writers along the way. I cannot stress how much you guys mean to me and how much I love you guys. Thankyou so much for all of the support I received throughout this whole journey. I will not forget how awesome fans you guys were.




I will let you guys know as soon as I post the first chapter!

Stay classy, Gawgeous, fancy and supportive.







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