******AUTHOR'S NOTE PLZ READ!!!!!******

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*****AUTHOR'S NOTE****



You know that moment when you feel like everyone is against you? No one understands what you're going through not even your parents, or closest friends?

That moment when all you want to do is break down and cry, but you dont because you dont want sympathy so you bottle those feelings up in the inside? You keep those feelings bottled up until one day the glass of the bottle just bursts and all these different emotions come out; anger, sadness, unworthiness, fear, just come crashing on you like a ton of bricks? You have no way to tame your emotions so you take it out on the ones that you love; loved ones and your bestest friends.

In the end you end up losing the ones who meant most to you or even hurting them just because of some stupid feelings, we call them, that we can't seem to control.

That moment when you try your best to succeed at just one thing but everything you do leads you to failure. So you give up. Forget about how much hard work you put into achieving that one perfect A+. All those nights you stayed up to 1 and 2 in the A.M. studying for that 60% test. Just flush it down the drain?

That embarrassing moment in the hallway, when the school's jockey sticks out his foot and trip you up. Murmurs spread out into the hallway, laughs erupting all around you, rumors spreading, name calling and teasing. You run into the bathroom to hide from all of those "monsters" we call humans but can't seem to escape. So that night you take it out on yourself. You pull those sharp blades from the pencil sharpener. Misusing the product for your own release, to escape those monsters nagging in your head. Echoes from the girl that called you "Big Foot" keep playing in your mind over and over again until finally you reach your brink and you lash out. Taking out all of that anger on your sensitive skin.

Through all this negativity we have to pinpoint the positive aspects in life. The things that have made you happy, laugh, and smile. The girl in the hallway who you helped carry books to class. That boy who sat next to you in class that had no friends but you became his friend. That homeless guy you saw on the street yesterday, cold and hungry, you gave him a wad of money, not even that much, let's say a 20 dollar bill.

Im just tryna make a point here. In the end the good always outweigh the bad. No matter how hard your battle becomes to fight, you still have to be strong and keep pushing on. When you think there is nothing else to live for, you have to remember why you didn't give up in the first place. When everyone seems to be against you, I'm pretty sure there's that one person that you can talk to, whether its me, that guy or girl that you met on facebook or Instagram, or your school counselor even, there is that someone that is willing to sit down and talk out your problems including me. Im willing to help you with your problems and cheer you up even though i may seem like a stranger or whatever, I promise to help you get through your problems not matter what sex, age, religion, etc. I Am Here.

I just wanted to put that message out there because today seemed like a tough one for me but even though I shed a few tears, I felt better. Because sometimes its good to just cry and let out all of those built up emotions before you explode. I really hope this helped you a ton. I love you guys so frickin much like you dont even know how much I love you guys.




Heal The ScarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora