Keep My Secrets Safe

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"Truth or dare?" Brandon asked me, I chose my decision cautiously.

"Truth." I said.

"How did you end up in know..orphanage?" He asked me. I hesitated on whether or not I should tell him. I wanted to but I didnt want to. Not even Hunter knew how I ended up in that shit hole, let alone the other guys who I'd just happen to meet 3 days earlier.

I peered at my lap for awhile, the tension in the room rose. My palms slickened with sweat, as my hands quivered.

"I..uh.." I couldn't find the right words. I was nervous and scared.If I told them they would feel sorry for me and I hated sympathy, plus that was a more personal question that I kept between myself and only myself. So, I did the only thing that I knew would keep me and my secrets safe; I stood up from the couch and started up the stairs.

Voices called after me but I payed no attention, I knew if I didnt keep going I was gonna break down infront of them and I so desperately didnt want them to see me in my crying state, not even Hunter. I didnt want to make an impression as being weak and vulnerable. Yes, I was sensitive,  especially on that topic but I always did my best to hide my sensitivity.

I made my way into my room, closing the door behind me, feather-light tears already spilling down my cheeks. I buried my face into the rough fabric of my ripped jeans, hiding my face from the world. Shielding me and my secrets from those monsters who were determined to rip me apart and figure me out.

The door to my room opened, I didnt dare look up. Muscular arms grasp my waist, hauling me to my feet. Hunter studied my face for a second, "I don't understand. Austyn... why-why are you crying?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not making eye contact with Hunter, "I wish I could tell you Hunter, but I cant." I whisper, my voice trembling, salty tears trailing down my cheeks and dripping on my toes.

"Shhh...its okay."Hunter whisper, wrapping his arms around the length of my tiny waist, holding me against his chest. My arms wrapped themselves around Hunter's torso, my ear resting against his hard chest, I heard the rapid beating of his heart. Sounding somewhat like the thumping of a drum, thump-thump-thump.

His rough hands grasped the sides of my hips, lifting me from my feet and setting me on the edge of my bed; he laid me down. I got under the duvet and watched him.

"Get some sleep." I heard him mutter, flicking a loose strand of my hair, that strayed from my bun, tucking it behind my ear. "Goodnight." He whispered, crossing the lengthy spanse from my bed to the door.

"Hunter." I whispered into the utter darkness.

"Yeah?" he called back, his voice gruffy; tired.

"Stay with me. Please?" My voice was below a whisper.

The ruffling of sheets and the mattress beside me dipped, indicating Hunter had crawled in with me. I scooted closer, wanting to feel the warmth radiating from him. Long, wide arms reached out, taking me in their grip, he clutched me against his chest.

Feeling the need to apologize for him having to see me fall apart, "I'm sorry." I told him, knowing he heard when his grip tightened on the widths of my waist.

"For what?" he asked.

"Everything." I whisper, turning my torso so that I could partially see his face that glimmered in the dim moonlight.

"Shhh...go to sleep. You need rest." he murmered, stroking my cheekbones. I dipped in, burying my head between Hunter's chin and chest. He was warm, his body stiff underneath me. I told him goodnight, my eyelids finally fluttering close.

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