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I woke up in a sea of sweat. Tears were frequently traveling down my cheeks, as sobs overcame me,making me shake erratically. I gripped onto the closest thing that I could get my fingers on as I fought to take in breaths. It felt as if something was crushing my lungs, cutting off my air circulation from the rest of my body. My chest heaved up and down at an dangerous pace as I struggled to breathe.

The figure next to me bolted awake. Eyes struggling to adjust to the minimum amount of light traveling through the room, he took my shaking figure in his arms and held me tightly against his chest.

"Austyn." He called my name. I could hear him but it sounded like he was millions of miles away. I couldn't form a coherent word to answer him. It felt like I was going to war with myself and I couldn't win.

"Austyn!" He tried again, but he got no response.

"Ohmygod Austyn! She-She's not breathing." he said more to himself than anyone, "Someone help please!" he screamed to no one in particular.

The door to my room butted open showing a worried Jake and Daisy, "What's going on?" she asked Hunter, and then she noticed me, "Jake go call the ambulance!" she yelled, Jake scrambled out of the room.

She placed her two fingers to my neck, checking my pulse. "She's barely breathing!" I heard her far away voice scream. By now I'd been pulled into complete and utter darkness. I couldnt see a damn thing even though my eyes were wide open.

I heard the sound of sirens faraway. Slowly dispersing into nothing but silence. The darkness reeled me further in until I finally passed out.


Sorry its so short. But i hoped you liked it!

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