Unbreakable Bonds

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2 weeks later

"Any other secret talents I dont know about?" Hunter asked, standing behind me as I finished playing my favorite song on the piano.

"Well I took dance when I was three but then I stopped when mo-" I halted right there, for how easily the words were tumbling out of my mouth took me by surprise.

"You stopped because?" Hunter asked.

"Nothing, its nothing." I stood from the piano stool, slamming the wood down over the keys and turned, walking out of Hunter's cozy room. Hunter followed close behind as I took the stairs 2 steps at a time.

"What? Did I say something wrong again?" Hunter plead behind me but I kept panning to the kitchen door. Pushing it open by nudging the wood with my elbow, Hunter grabbed my forearm and I spun around to face him.

"Tell me what's going on." His eyes begging to know something.

I took a deep breath, running my hands through my rough hair, "I- take a seat. You're gonna need to sit down to hear this." Hunter reluctantly pulled out a chair and sat down. I sighed, sitting next to him.

Taking another deep breath, tousling my hair again, I began the long story of my past from the day my mom disappeared to the beatings I received daily from my stepfather. I told him how my stepfather would drink irresponsibly and take it all out on me afterwards. I told him every single thing, not leaving out any details. He deserved to know why I act the way I do.

When I finally finished my rant, Hunter quickly swarmed me in a bone crushing hug. I buried my head in his shoulder, crying it out. "Im so sorry," He kept repeating and each and every time I shushed him, pulling him in again.

"Austyn, I-I love you." I heard him mumble, my eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets. But I wasn't mad, I was rather happy. I had been waiting to tell him that for the longest time but now I didnt have to be the first one to say 'I love you' first.

"I love you too, Hunter." I finally said, Hunter placing a sloppy kiss to each of my cheeks, nose, and lastly my lips. I wrapped my arm around his neck, other palm resting on his chest. Hunter kissed me gently and fragile-like. Like I would break in his arms if he didn't handle me with care. His hand cupping my cheek and the other resting against the small of my back.

We pulled away after a minute, only to be pulled back in for another hug.


At the end of the day we seemed to have gotten much, much closer. Like there was this unbreakable bond between us that no one could break. And we could tell each other everything, all of our secrets.

Kay! How was that guys?! Love yall curly fries!!




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