All The Way Home

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I peel my eyes open upon the absence of warmth against my chest. My fingers reach out expecting to grasp hold of Austyn's tiny frame but instead I grip the black sheets of her bed. I bolt upright. It's so unusual not to find her in her usual spot in bed; sprawled on my chest or cuddled into my side.

"Austyn?" I call out, peeling the duvet back and placing my feet on the floor.

No answer.

I stand up, twisting the bathroom door open and peek my head in. I search for any glimpse of her dark waves cascading down her back in my large shirt that almost hung off her tiny shoulders.


It takes me a few minutes of searching to realize the door to her balcony is slightly cracked, giving her away. I stroll over to the knob and peek my head out. She is breathtaking  as her small fingers grip the brass railing as the wind whip through her dark waves.  the hem of my shirt falling just above her knees as she stood there unaware of my presence.

Her tan legs looked endless underneath my shirt, dark waves falling just above the curve of her backside. I took small steps forward, cupping her hips in my hands and lightly kissing the spot below her ear. I trailed my lips along the curve of her neck, "Can't sleep baby?"

"Yeah." She nodded against my shoulder upon which her head had fallen on when I delivered chaste kisses to her neck. I took her tiny fingers in mine, tugging her behind me as I made my way to the door. I glanced back, seeing confusion written on her features, "C'mon. I'm gunna show you the place I go when I cant sleep."

"Wait." She dropped my hand, "Lemme put on some clothes." Her short legs carried her across the spanse to her wardrobe.

"But, you already have on clothes." I whined, taking a seat on her unmade bed.

"Hunter, this isn't appropriate to wear outside!" She yelled and I erupted in laughter.

"You're so innoc-" I was lost for words at the sight of Austyn lifting my shirt over her head. Her black bra and panties were on full display, her back turned to me. The sight in front of me was far from innocent. The girl that stood before me was incredibly sexy, flawless even. The cuts that adorned her thighs and hips were almost invisible.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath. Austyn pulled on a pair of sweats and a hoodie, concealing her perfect body from me. I was still a bit flustered as she spun around, tugging her hair up into a ponytail and tying it off with a elastic while pulling on a black pair of flip flops.

I stood up, "You ready?" She nodded her head and I led her downstairs. I held her hand as she climbed into the passenger side, slamming her door shut and jogging infront of my car to the driver's seat. I strapped my belt, and put the key into the ignition, backing out of the driveway and panning the gas until I got to my destination.

I shut off the ignition and climbed out, jogging over to Austyn's side to let her out.


It was really dark out. The only light shone was from the twinkling stars above. I grabbed onto Hunter's arm, stricken with fear as we walked along a dirt trail, rocks kicking underneath our feet.

"We're here." Hunter says and I finally look up, noticing the sparkle of the lake before us. We were completely surrounded by tall trees, separated from the rest of the world. Its then that I notice that Hunter had left me and was now laying on the wooden boards of the dock, toes dangling in the water.

"Hunter, what are you doing?!" I shout, flailing my arms in the air.

Hunter pats the space beside him, "Come sit."

"No! Are you crazy?! We're in the middle of nowhere! We can get eaten by bears out here Hunter!" Hunter sits up, the look on his face amused. He reaches out his arm and takes my hand. I flinch away, shaking my head no.

"For Christ's sake Austyn. There's no bears out here. Probably deer but no bears."

I ponder for a second, "Are you sure? If i get eaten by a bear im suing you!" I say, taking a seat beside Hunter.

"How're gonna sue me if your dead?" He chuckles.

"I dunno. I'd get Daisy to do it or something." I say and Hunter chuckles.

I cross my legs so i'm sitting crisscross. "Okay, Austyn. Whatever you say." Hunter  sang, placing his head in my lap.

I stroke his locks, silence overcoming us. He sighs, "I used to come here a lot when I was younger but I don't anymore.

"Why?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Reminds me too much of my parents. Mom, Dad and I used to go swimming every summer in this very lake. And we'd splash water on each other when we were swimming. Make bubbles underwater and push each other off the dock and into the water. We'd have so much fun." And I look down, seeing the small smile etched onto his features, the memory replaying through his mind.

I brush his locks back, a small smile forming onto my features also. Hunter stares up at the stars, the smile forming into a frown, "I just miss them so much, Austyn." He says and I know he's trying his hardest to fight back the tears willing to break free but eventually the water works start and moisture pricks his cheeks.

"Shh. Its okay." I whisper, wiping the moisture from his cheeks with my thumb.

I cradle Hunter against my chest, his tears wetting my hoodie. I stroke his back soothingly, "Let it all out, Hunter. I'll keep you safe." I murmur.

Hunter nods against my neck. He nods, tugging his head from my chest and wiping underneath his eyes with the palms of his hands. "I hate it when you see me cry. It makes me feel like a wimp." Hunter chuckles, his eyes now bloodshot due to the watershow earlier.

"Its okay to cry every now and then Hunter. Don't be afraid to cry infront of me." I assure him, taking his hand in mine and spreading his fingers. I kiss every inch of his skin, from the tips of his fingers down to his palm all while my eyes never leaving his, "I love you, Hunter. No matter what happens."

"Thankyou. I love you too, Austyn." I place a tender kiss to his cheek before standing up. I brush off my backside as Hunter stands up also, wrapping an arm around my waist. He leads me to the car and we both hop in, backing out and making our way back home.

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