Shopping With Daisy

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After me and Hunter's little "greet" in the hallway Daisy called me downstairs.

"You ready, sweetie?" she asked. Lord knows I hated that name but they still insist on calling me that anyway and it annoys the heck out of me. I nodded my head as she pulled her purse over her shoulder and led me out the door to their huge driveway.

We got into the black Range Rover and she started it up, backing out of the driveway. A peaceful silence settled between the two of us and I let out a exasperated sigh. I really needed this. Just time for me and my thoughts. I gazed out the window as I sorted out everything racing through my mind. Last night's events kept playing over and over again.

I wish you were dead.

You're a worthless piece of shit.

You dont belong here.

Harsh words whisper slowly in my ear. Wow, even my own conscience hates me; thats pathetic. I shook the thoughts away and focused on the scenery outside of the glass window. The view was breathtaking. We were on a small moutain with fields full of flowers surrounding us. Some were a light pink; lilac where the others were a lavender colour. The handful of flowers that were pink reminded myself of me. I didnt know why. Maybe because they were different and they stood out, just like me.

After awhile we pulled into this parking lot infront of this huge building with stores lining each and every perimeter. I unbuckled my seatbelt and slid my phone into the back of my skinny jeans before opening the door and stepping out.

Warm air gushed past me, blowing loose strands of my hair into my mouth. So much for straightening it. I followed Daisy into a store called Victoria's Secret. The floors were hot pink and glittery. There was lace stuff everywhere.

How in the hell were you supposed to wear this stuff? It looked so....uncomfortable?

While Daisy browsed the shelves of uncomfortable looking underwear, I wondered over to the other side of the store where the bras and underwear looked more appropiate for a girl like me. There were shelves overflowing with sweatshirts, hoodies and even sweatpants; just my style. I picked up a pair of teal sweatpants along with a matching hoodie, and went to the checkout line. The lady at the desk rung me up and told me the price: $99.08. I pulled out a hundred dollar bill from my wallet and handed it to her.

"Would you like to get a pair of underwear? They're 50% off today." The cashier asked.

What do you mean underwear?! That lace you called underwear was NOT underwear!

"No thankyou." I said. She gave me my receipt and handed me my bag full of clothes.

"Did you find something nice?" Daisy asked, I nodded my head and we walked out the store.

The day dreaded on with Daisy dragging me in and out of stores I didnt even know existed, then we left. On the way home we stopped by Starbucks and got everyone a cup of warm coffee.


After I got home I headed straight for the shower. Setting my bags of clothes by my door and my cup of coffee on the nightstand, I put my hair into a top knot then rumbled through the various bags of clothes for a pair of underwear that I got from Victoria's Secret, along with the matching bra. No, the underwear or bra was not lace. Instead the underwear or should I say, boy shorts were made from a satin material along with the bra.

After taking a 15 minute shower, I got dresed in my One Direction jammies from Target and my fuzzy slippers. By then my coffee was practically freezing so I decided to go downstairs to warm it up.

I entered the kitchen, then put my cup of coffee in the microwave for 45 seconds. To past time, I pulled out my phone and began to play Temple Run. I was about to beat my highscore when all of a sudden my phone flew from my hands. I glanced up and my eyes fell on Hunter. I was furious.

"What the fuck Hunter?! Do you know how much of my allowance I had to save to buy that phone?! Five hundred dollars! And if its broke youre gonna pay for it!" I rambled on, placing my pointer finger on Hunter's chest, shoving him back with each word I spoke. Hunter had a look of amusement on his face as he watched me causing me to get angrier.

"Babe, I'm pretty sure its not broken. And if it is," he paused," Oh fucking well." The corners of Hunter's lips rose upwards into a smile. I raised my small hand and swung, hitting Hunter on his cheek.

I, Austyn Leianne, just slapped Hunter. Score!

Hunter had a look of shock on his face, but it was quickly replaced by anger. Hunter's eyes darkened, as he stared down at me, "You shouldnt of did that because now...I'm gonna kill you."

As soon as he finished his sentence I was already gone. I took the stairs three at a time and I was in my room in seconds. Though Hunter, being the athletic teenager he is, he caught me. He grasped my waist and threw me on my bed roughly. In seconds, Hunter was hovering over me, pinning my wrists to the mattress and crushing me with his body weight.

My breath came out ragged and broken as I spoke, "Get your fat ass off of me. I-I can't breathe."

Hunter let out a chuckle, "Why should I? You slapped me!"

"You deserved it." I choked out.

Hunter let up a little, now resting his weight on his elbows that lay beside my now extremely messy hair. Hunter closed his eyes for a few minutes as if he was thinking.

"Maybe I did deserve it. I mean, I slapped your phone out of your hand for God's sake!" Hunter laughed. I had to admit, Hunter's laugh was adorable. The way he threw his head back, causing his black hair to fall into his eyes was mesmerizing.

Austyn! Snap out of it!

Hunter finally quieted down, his eyes glancing down at me. "But seriously, I'm so sorry for the way I've been treating you these past 3 days. I was being such a bitch. And I-I didnt mean any of those words I told you or called you, because you arent ugly, worthless, a slut, or a bitch. As stupid as this may sound, I was just afraid that my parents were gonna replace me, or my parents would like you better than me. Yes, I know that sounds stupid coming from a guy like me, but whatever. I just wanted to tell you that I'm extremely sorry. Will you please forgive me?" Hunter asked.

Are you serious? Hunter, Mr.Tough Guy, just apologized? Woah!

"Yes. I forgive you, Hunter. Now can you please get off of me? This is uncomfortable." I truthly stated.

"Yeah, sure." he rolled over to the other side of me, "So we cool now?" he asked, holding up his fist.

"We cool." I smiled before bumping his fist.


Ermygosh. Hunter apologized to Austyn! 

How amazing is that?

Anyways, I love you guys!

Dont forget to vote though!


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