Died, had a funeral and was buried.

501 17 2

A tap on my shoulder pulled me out of my thoughts. I pulled off my earphones so they hung loosely around my neck.

"We're here, loser." mumbled Hunter. He quickly got out of the car and slammed the door shut before I had the chance to respond. I rolled my eyes, gazing out the window at the house that stood before me. This wasn't even a house, more like a hotel. The house was huge but eh I could get used to it.

I opened my door and stepped out of the car,making sure to slam it behind me. I didnt want to live here in the first place. I'd rather stay at the orphange where at least I didnt get treated like shit or get called names for no reason at all. At the orphanage I felt a little less worthless, but here I just felt like I didnt belong and I was unwanted. I mean, Hunter already proved that he didnt want me here and he didnt give a damn about me.

I retrieved my bags from the trunk and followed Daisy into the house. She led me up a flight of stairs and past a couple of doors until we reached this one door in particular.

"Austyn, welcome to your new room." Daisy smiled, opening up the door. The room was absolutely perfect. The walls were 3 different shades of blue, starting with a teal and gradually getting lighter. There were was only one window and it stood in the middle of the room, coated with black sheery like curtains. A huge bed sat in one corner of the room, just like the curtains, the covers were black also with little hints of blue scattered on the sheets. Then there was the other stuff you would find in a teenage girl's room such as a dresser, a desk, two nightstands, and a vanity that I will not be using because I never wore make up besides lipbalm.

I turned to thank Daisy , but she'd already left so I just began unpacking my things. I was halfway through unpacking when Hunter barged into my room, "Time for dinner, slut." he said, turning to leave but I grabbed his wrist.

"What?!" He yelled, I jumped taken aback and I swear I caught a glimpse of worry in those blue eyes of his. But it vanished as soon as it appeared.

"What did I do to you? I mean, why do you call me names for no apparent reason." I asked, expecting a calm answer, but I got a more angrier one instead.

Hunter grabbed my wrists, pinning them by my head as he backed me up into the wall. "There's no reason! Did you seriously just say there's no apparent reason why I call you names?Well, guess what! There is a reason. The reason is you, Austyn! Its you! Before you came here this was a perfectly happy family until you came! Why can't you see that you're unwanted here! You do not belong here! You are a worthless piece of shit to me. Did you know that?!," I shook my head no, "well now you know that you are a worthless piece of shit who means nothing to me. Who doesn't belong in this family. Fuck! Why cant you just leave? Just go! And stay out of my life forever," he paused before closing his eyes, whispering," I wish you were dead." his chest rose and fell rapidly as he caught his breath, turning to walk out the door and slam it behind himself.

As soon as Hunter walked out the door I fell onto the bed crying. I cant believe he told me he wanted me dead and I was a worthless piece of shit. To be honest, he sounded just like my stepfather. Maybe he was my stepfather in disguise. And the sad part about it? He actually enjoyed telling me I was worthless. I saw the sparkle in his eyes when he told me. The way they darkened as he backed me up against the wall.

And to actually think that me and Hunter could get along. Well that plan died, had a funeral and was buried. I wiped my eyes and changed into my pajama shorts and tank top then got into bed starving. I hadnt eaten in about a day but I wasn't complaining.  I've gone more days without eating; it was the usual.

-The Next Morning-

I woke up this morning with heavy eyelids. I stumbled into the bathroom and looked at my appearance. I looked horrible. My eyes were crusted over and red and puffy from crying. My hair was no longer in a ponytail, instead it lay in knots down my shoulder. I was going to have to find that ponytail holder in my mess of hair later, as for now I was freaking starving.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face then opened my door and began my journey to the kitchen. I pushed open the swinging door to the kitchen and instantly regretted it. Hunter was sitting ontop of the kitchen counter with his phone in one hand and a bowl of cereal in the other, shirtless. I silently passed him, last night's events flooding my mind.

"Bitch." I heard him mumble, causing me to grit my teeth and clench my jaw in anger.

Ugh! I hate you, Hunter.

"What did you say?! You hate me?!" Wait did I seriously just say that aloud.

Great just great, Austyn!

Hunter hopped off the counter and crossed the space between us and stood infront of me with his fists balled at his sides. The way he was looking at me terrified me. Hunter backed me up into the counter, pinning me there with his hips just like he'd done last night. I placed my hands on the countertop beside me and braced myself for what's to soon happen. Hunter grabbed my messy head of curls and tilted my head so that I could see his face.

"I hate you too, Austyn. In fact, I hate every little thing about you. Like your hair, the fact that you always wear those ugly bracelets, but most of all, your face itself." I tore my eyes from his face, and a rush of confidence overcame me.

"Thanks for the compliments, Hunter. And those choice of words? Ha. I've heard worst." I rested my palms on Hunter's chest and pushed him gently away and continued with my breakfast. Hunter dumped his bowl of half eaten cereal in the sink, retrieving his phone from the counter and angrily pushed open the kitchen door, leaving. I smiled happily to myself and it was my first real smile for the first time in about 5 years.

Hopefully, he'd just stay out of my way for the rest of the day at least.


After breakfast, Daisy told me that we were going shopping so I went up to my room to take a quick shower and to wash my caramel colored hair. Not to mention it took more than a hour to find the ponytail holder that vanished in my hair while I was sleeping. After brushing out the tangles in my hair I blow dried it and straightened it while sitting at my vanity. Then I found something to wear. Nothing fancy, just a pair of white skinny jeans and my Future Mrs.Horan t-shirt and a pair of red Toms, and I was ready.

I grabbed my phone and stepped out into the hallway and as if my day couldn't get any worst, Hunter was standing in the hallway also.

Wait, please tell me hes not going!

I was frantically pulled from my thoughts when Hunter began walking towards me. He forcefully shoved me against the wall, causing my head to hammer against the hardwood. It took everything I had not to cry as I looked at the angry face above me. I searched his face for any sign of sympathy but it held nothing at all.

He really did enjoy causing me pain.

I tore my eyes from his face and found interest in my shoes, waiting for him to find a name that he would like to call me for today. But he didnt. Instead he let me go and walked away. I found it very weird as I stared after him.

Maybe there was a little light in the darkness of his heart after all.


How was that?

Do you think Hunter feels sorry for Austyn or is it just a one time thing?

Read the next chapter to find out--->

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Love you guys!

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