Face Plant

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"Hunter, please don't drop me. Im very fragile ya know?!" I shouted in Hunter's ear as he carried me up the stairs.

I'd just gotten home from the hospital less than a day ago, and me, being in the condition im currently enduring means no walking for 6 weeks. Reason? I broke my ankle. So I've got to get around in a wheelchair, which I barely used, cause of Hunter being the Superman he claims to be, insists on carrying me everywhere.

"Keep screaming in my ear and you're gonna face plant the floor." Hunter said,responding from my previous actions a few seconds prior.

I immediately clamped my mouth shut, unwilling to let my face hit the chestnut colored hardwood floor beneath me. A smirk formed on Hunter's features once he realized I'd shut my mouth, causing me to scowl.

"Im only being quiet because Im not willing to "f" up the only other part of my body that's currently not covered with scars or anything." I told Hunter, even though this comment was intended to be somewhat funny, but it fell from my lips harsher.

Hunter walked into my room and sat me down on my bed, "Are you ready for a bath?"

The playful facial expression that once adorned his features completely vanished. His whole demeanor changed from being playful and sarcastic to more of a serious tone. I scanned his face repetitively, very aware that I was now staring.

My hand had a mind of its own as it reached out, taking ahold of his chin and tilting it downwards so that we were eye level. I stared deep into Hunter's bright blue eyes, realizing Hunter not only had blue eyes, but there were little specks of green surrounding his pupil. I traced his slightly stubble jawline with my fingertips until they finally rested on his cheek.

We spoke no words, saying everything with our eyes. Hunter never averted his gaze as he took a couple steps forward, our chests millimeters away, I could feel the radiation of his body heat cause of our close proximity. His eyes following his movements as his fingers brushed against the sides of my face, he swooped loose strands of hair from my eyes so that it cascaded past my shoulders and rested limply above my bum.

Hunter placed his palms on both of my cheeks. His fingers were ice cold against my hot skin as he stroked my cheeks with the pad of his thumb in small circles. Hunter's eyes glanced to my lips and back to my eyes. I returned the gesture, giving him permission to do just that.

He leaned forward as did I, our lips barely brushing against each other, he closed the empty space keeping us apart. Our lips finally touching; I jolted with electricity, my lips burning with an ecstatic fire. My body felt weak as he deepened the kiss. His hands trailing to the sides of my waist, squeezing gently.

I'd never felt something like this ever in my life. I was in pure bliss, ecstasy more even. The way his fingers brushed against my skin had my head spinning. I couldnt think straight, only of the boy that stood before me. Gliding my hands to the nape of neck, I grasped onto the short strands of hair that clung there; hearing a moan escape his lips, I threaded my fingers in his messy quiff, tugging slightly.

"Austyn." Hunter pulled away slightly, his hot breath panting on my lips.

"Hm?" I asked, still trying to catch my breath.

"Wow, just wow. That was amazing." Hunter laughed, my cheeks immediately heated up, I hid my face in between my hands so he couldnt see me.

"Don't hide. You have nothing to be embarrassed about." Hunter tugged my hands from my face, grinning widely.

"Um...Hunter, im gonna go get a bath." I attempted to climb off the bed and try to limp to the bathroom by holding onto the walls to steady me but eventually I collapsed on the floor, giving up.

Hunter let out a sigh, "No offense Austyn, but I kinda figured  you wouldn't get very far." he said, lifting me up.

"Offense taken!" I yelled, clucking Hunter on the back of his head.






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