He grins both saying "Goodnight" before heading out the door. I turn saying goodnight to my siblings before heading to my room to take a shower. I walk into the bathroom stripping off my clothes into the bin and looking at the now fading bruises.

"Well at least they are starting to heal" I mumble to myself turning on the shower head. I look back into the mirrior at the one mark on my chest I created myself, the scratch marks. They looked so deep like somone took a knife and made each line, I ran my fingers over them getting lost in both the pain and the odd comfort they brought me.

I was too lost in thought to see the door open beside me, "Don't waste water like that, get in if your gonna run it." the voice removes me from me trance state. I look over to see a half naked Taehyon clothes in hand, realizing I was naked I tried to cover myself.

He looked at me confused "Why are you suddenly embarrassed, we've always bathed together" he said buntly. I didn't answer not really knowing what to say, he was right but I wasn't used to it like before. "If its those bruises you were trying to hide I'm not going to say anything to mom or dad but I'm not letting it go." he said glaring at them

I froze stuck in place, I watched as he undressed and walked toward the shower. 'What am I gonna do if he finds out what happened, he'll think I'm still weak. Then again I could have protected myself yet I endured it instead, doesn't that mean I am weak' I sigh at my thoughts once again lost in my head.

"Tae hurry and get in, stop getting lost in your thoughts. Nothing good ever comes from it so just stop, you wouldn't feel so trapped if you just told me the truth" he said pulling me into the shower. It was quite big so space wasn't a problem but I still felt weird and I didn't like my bruises on display so I faced away from him.

He got out before me drying off and exiting the room yelling "Hurry up" before leaving. I unconciously quickened my pace rinsing off and turning the shower off, I dried myself off applying the creams I was given from the hospital. I toss on my boxers and oversized shirt leaving the bathroom, I see Taehyon already laying down lights turned off. The only source of light came from the skylight in the room, with the moon shinning through beautifully. (Can I live at their house?)

I lay on the bed facing the window, the reality of what happened finally hit me. I felt insecure, unsafe and needed to feel protected hugging myself into a ball. I slowly rub over the sratch on my chest hoping to feel some sort of relief. I felt a little better but I still couldn't fall alseep, recent events made my insomnia come back.

Most days I ended crying myself to sleep or passing out due to exhastion but now I was tired and at a lost of what to do. I was squirming around trying to find the best position when I grazed over Taehyon's back, he always slept shirtless so it wasn't a shock. His warmth left a needy feeling in my body though, I hesitantly reach over back hugging him.

It felt nostalgic it's been so long since I slept with someone beside me, I really missed it. I missed him "Me worrying about you and forgiving you are two different things Tae" he said tapping my arm telling me to remove it.

I release him and quickly turn to the opposite side whispering a quiet "sorry" scooting completely to my side. For as long as I can remember he has never rejected me like that, it hurt far more than it should have. I quietly start sobbing into my pillow

'Stupid, I told you he hated us why did you do that you made it worse'

'No he's just mad i-if I apologize later he'll forgive me'

'You never learn, saying your going to apologize and actually owning up to what you did are two different things'

'B-but h-'

'No use feeding that bullshit to me, you complained about those members leaving you behimd all the time but you did the same'

I started shaking wanting to just fall asleep rather than listen to this

' Your pretty selfish aren't you, you only care when your the one getting hurt always acting like the victim.'

'Please stop'

' Not like I put myself here stupid, I'd be gone if you really wanted that.'

'Hehe wonder what that means, lets think about the times I appear huh'

'Like that time you-'

V was suddeny silenced when I felt a warm arm around my waist and warmth against my back. "Stop crying and go to sleep" I relax against his chest feeling security flush around me. "Just this once" he grunts sleepily "If you don't tell me where you got those bruises tommorow I really won't talk to you anymore" he said tightning his grip around me both of us falling asleep.


Feeling extremely accomplished over here lol thx so much for 1k views, I really appreciate it. Hope I wasn't making anyone cringe or anything just wanted you to know how much his parents love and care for him. Not sure if I'm going to target this in the future so I'll let you know now, his parents know that he is Bisexual and don't really care. They are very accepting of his choices but can be very strict about other things in terms of safety. Enjoy~ 💕p.s. next chapter will mostly come later than usual like 4 days max I think, got some stuff to do🤗

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