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Thia's POV

It was the night before I left. The night before I would be halfway across the world on a new journey. All day I'd sat waiting impatiently in my seat at school. I didn't quite know what I was so anxious about but something gnawed at my thoughts.

When class was over I waited by the tree. Our tree. Leah didn't show up. I don't know what I expected. Andy was there however, waiting for me.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked, hands tucked in his pockets.

"Nothing." I shook my head and gave him a slight smile. "Tomorrow morning is the big deal."

"Yep. Can't say I'm not excited. It'll be an adventure," he laughed, taking my bag despite my protests. "Now to get you home."

We talked and laughed as we walked and it felt like nothing had really changed. Things were still the same and somehow it was easier than it had ever been before. Andy and I seemed to have put any hostility aside. He was fun and charismatic and I felt guilty for never realizing it before.

"Will you eat at the mess hall tonight?" He asked, as we walked up the steps to my house. "We all talked and thought it'd be a good idea to just have one nice big meal together before it gets crazy and everything."

"That sounds like an awesome idea. I'll try and be there but it depend on my homework,"I sighed, taking my bag back from him.

"What? You're gonna turn it in before we go?" He questioned with a look of amusement.

"Yeah. I want to leave on a good note. I like some of my teachers anyways." Andy just rolled his eyes and ruffled my hair.

"See you tonight, kid." The nick name brought a smile to my face and I waved goodbye before heading inside.

"Last day of school," Mama called, tossing me a small box. I caught it in surprise and nearly dropped it two or three times. "Merry Christmas."

"Those sentences don't go together and it's not the end of school," I laughed. "Or Christmas."

"It is for you. At least, temporarily right?" Her eyebrows quirked up in amusement.

"Sure." Glancing down at the box I noticed it was wrapped rather messily meaning she'd wrapped it herself. "Can I open it?"

"Yeah." She seemed much more excited about it than I did. Setting my bag on the floor by the door I stripped away the paper and carefully undid the box. Whatever was inside rested in a careful leather casing. Setting the box on the coffee table I turned the pouch over in my hands.

Reaching inside I felt something cool and metallic brush against my hand. Smiling slightly I pulled it free to see a thick metal bracelet. "No way."

"I figured you could use one of your own but it's better than mine. Leo and everyone at CHB came up with it," Mama explained. I passed it over to her eager to see what exactly it did. She slipped it on over her wrist and tapped it with two fingers just like her own bracelet.

I expected a shield, but panels of armor slid out from it and unfolded in surprising speed. Soon an entire sleeve of armor covered her arm and formed over her chest like a breastplate.

"That's amazing!" It was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen. "I didn't know you could do anything like that."

"You can do anything with a bit of brains and magic." She smirked before tapping the center emblem of the chest piece, causing it to all detract and fold back into the band. I had just enough time to see that the center emblem was a golden wreath, only ever given to superb warriors within Roman ranks. "Just a little gift to help you on your way."

The End of EverythingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora