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Thia's POV

I didn't really know where I was going. I just felt like running. The feeling of wind in my face always felt nice and the breeze running its cool fingers through my hair was an added bonus. It made me feel free. Like I could do anything I wanted to but when you have no destination in mind trouble often finds you. Well, technically I found it, but that's beside the point.

I ended up at the same place I'd been yesterday. The white A standing out on the man hole cover. I wasn't really sure what had drawn me here but I didn't hesitate to pull the cover away and drop down inside.

The music and lights were still strobing but this time a different song was playing; one I also knew. Part of me wondered if the music was enchanted to play songs you were familiar with or if I had common taste in music.

Unable to contain my excitement, a smile spread across my face at the sight of so many people being themselves. Sometimes, I felt that it was this very sense of individuality that New Rome had lost. It was good to see it hadn't completely died despite the school program and military theme.

And though I didn't expect to find anyone I knew, I enjoyed the noise and environment making sure to stick to the outskirts of it all.

"Are you fresh meat?" I glanced over at the person who'd spoken to see a girl not quite dressed like everyone else. She wore a summer dress with a pattern of flowers on the bottom and didn't have the colored hair or dark clothes and tattoos of the others milling about. She was vaguely familiar.

"Um...kind of," I shrugged.

"Cool. My name is Leah." She held out a hand. "I own the place."

"You own this place? But it's a sewer," I laughed, shaking her hand. Not to mention the fact that she didn't look like the type of person to own something like this.

"Owner. Founder. Not much of a difference the way I see it and yes, I know I don't look the part but who says you can't be cute while rebellious at heart?" She asked, smiling brightly.

"That's a good motto," I nodded, tapping my foot lightly to the music. "So what made you talk to someone as socially awkward as me?"

"Easy, I like knowing the new people. Besides, word has it you're friends with Andy. A friend of Andy's is a friend of mine," she explained, leaning on the wall and crossing her arms.

"Oh, we aren't friends. We just ran into each other a few times," I shrugged.

"Right. Well, if you need anything come find me. You seem like a cool kid. Also, I heard about what happened to your jacket. It's a shitty thing to do to someone. I'll get you a new one if you want," Leah offered.

"Nah that's okay but thank you," I smiled. She nodded and at the sound of her name left me to remain in the corner. She seemed nice.

A new song came on but it was the kind where your blood rushes and you can't help the adrenaline that courses through your veins because it's just that good. I wasn't ashamed to say that I was dancing my stupid little heart out.

It was part of the reason I ran into trouble. I was so oblivious in my own world that I didn't see the threat pushing through the crowd straight toward me.

"Well, well, well look who's here." I paused glancing up to see none other than Jenna herself. I guess I should have expected it.

"Oh. Hi," I smiled, waving slightly.

"Don't hi me. We aren't friends," Jenna frowned, crossing her arms. Part of me wondered why she was here but I remembered Andy saying she'd hung out here before.

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