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Thia's POV

"This is it guys," Leah breathed. The three of us had walked only a mile or two but not one of us had said a word. "The quest is in our hands now."

"Yeah but we have to figure out where the hell we're supposed to go," Andy sighed, dodging someone on the sidewalk.

"We need to find Order. If we find Order we can stop Chaos but there isn't a lot of time." My heart seemed to have been beating at a rapid pace since the moment we stepped outside of Camp's borders. My senses seemed to be on extremely high alert. I couldn't risk letting my guard down not even the slightest amount.

"Do you have any idea where we can find Order?" Andy asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Let me think, okay?" I was trying to run through every ounce of information I could. My brain was picking through numerous facts I'd learned in school back in New Rome. There had to be something. I just needed to think of it first.

"Make it quick. The last thing we need is to be going in the wrong direction." Andy stepped closer to my side as a grown man pushed past the three of us with a flower plastered to his face.

"Andy I'm saying this only once. Shut up. I haven't done this before and I'm trying to think I don't need anymore pressure," I frowned. Leah shot Andy a sideways glance and rested a hand on my shoulder.

"He didn't mean to be rude, come on." Leah pulled me along a few steps allowing Andy to file in behind the two of us. Silence stretched on once again.

"Order in Greek is Seirá and in Latin it's just Ordo. But there aren't gods or goddesses with those names. The only thing I can think of is the goddess Eunomia who was the goddes of Law and Justice. There's a temple of Virtue dedicated to Eunomia and her sisters. Maybe we can find her there." It had taken some time but I'd managed to piece the information together from scraps of memory.

"Great. Where is it?" Leah smiled, gaining a pep to her step.

"In Regio Rome," I replied, to which Andy let out a loud grunt of disproval.

"How do you expect us to get their?" He asked, a slight edge to his tone of voice. Swallowing hard I felt a sinking feeling in my gut. Had I already screwed up so much?

"I-I don't know I didn't think...maybe we could go back." It was an innocent statement but it was clear that wasn't an option. Andy sighed and pushed between Leah and I.

"We can't go back. It's a waste of time. Follow me, I'll figure something out." His long legs made the pace increase to a brisk stride.

"Andy, it's not your quest," Leah argued.

"No it's okay. He can lead." Shrugging, I tucked in behind Leah as the three of us continued on down the crowded sidewalks.

Andy managed to lead us to a bike shop where we could rent them for an hour or so. It was rather expensive and already dwindled what small amount of cash we actually had.

"We're giving these back right?" I asked, as he shoved a helmet into my hands. The question earned me an amused look from Leah and an exasperated expression from Andy.

"No, we're keeping them. We can use these to get to a place where we can get further help. Maybe steal a car." He placed the bike helmet on his head and didn't bother clipping the chin strap together.

"We can't just steal. This guy is working so he can make money! It'll be expensive to buy three new bikes," I protested. Andy rolled his eyes and slung a leg over his bike seat adjusting his backpack. "Andy."

"Look, I can guarantee you that your parents or your other family members have stolen plenty of things for quests." This was a fact that I knew was true but I didn't like the idea of falling into the same category.

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