Iris Messaging

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Thalia's POV

It was difficult finding enough peace and quiet to try and Iris message Thia. Granted, I understood the constant bombardment. People were concerned for my well being but I was concerned for my daughter's well being.

Grey was the first to find me, always the teddy bear out of everyone. Granted, he was on the older side compared to his cousin's, but he'd still kept his boyish glow even as he'd grown.

"I heard vat happened. I'm terribly sorry." His eyebrows furrowed together in concern as he sat across from Reyna and I at the pavilion.

"It's not your fault, I'm alright anyways. See?" I tried to reassure him by showing some control of my new body parts. To an extent it worked.

He chuckled softly and shook his head. "If you insist but if you need anything let me know. I know you guys are busy and anxious granted all zat's happening."

"Well, I think everyone is... to an extent," Reyna sighed, glancing up as Maria sprinted over with Jaxon in tow. The two youngsters sat down next to their cousin.

"Agreed. I've lost a bit of sleep if I'm being honest," Grey admitted, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully. "I just can't really grasp everything that's going on, you know? It's a lot to take in."

"Believe me. We've been there on numerous occasions," I laughed, earning a small smile from the others. "It's hard when everything you've done could disappear the next day."

"Yeah," Grey nodded, eyes staring intently at the table. "You know I remember when we all used to play pirates together."

Jaxon's face brightened excitedly at this. "I was always the one who kept watch in the nest on the mast."

"If I recall correctly there were numerous occasions you fell off of tall objects because you'd climbed them." Reyna gave him a pointed look and his cheeks tinged with embarrassment.

"I got to man the guns." Maria smiled, eyes glinting evilly.

"I was Captain." Grey smiled.

"Thia was first mate." We all spoke at the same time and laughed.

"I did the repairs!" Sol chipped in, making her way over to us. She was the smallest of her cousins, with hair like Leo's and eyes like Calypso. A bandanna was almost always tied around her head.

"She always vanted to be my second in command. She nearly fought you for it Jaxon. Did you know that? She tried to slap you with a pool noodle," Grey smiled brightly.

"You know what's funny?" Jaxon asked resting his chin on the table. "I mean, I know it makes sense but have you guys ever thought how much she's like you?"

The question caught me off guard a bit. I mean of course I could point out a bunch of similarities especially when Thia reminded me very strongly of Reyna. But I guess I'd never read too much into it.

"True. She has your wild hair." Maria smirked lighting at me. "But it's Aunt Rey's color."

"Oh yeah! And she's got Aunt Rey's eyes but they get all sparkly like yours!" Jaxon sat up straight, his leg bouncing excitedly as he gestured to me. "Oh oh! Um, then her smile is all funny cause it's like this."

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